beep beep beep

“Fuck,” John said involuntarily as his eyes opened to his darkened bedroom. He instinctively reached out for his phone, but found it strangely was not the source of the alarm. A few moments later, he became aware of Riley’s arm’s presence on his chest when she removed it to scrounge for her own phone and shut off its alarm. “What the fuck time is it?” he asked when he’d finally worked up the wherewithal to form a full sentence.

“Five,” Riley answered dreamily, replacing her arm across his chest.

“God…” he rubbed his eyes. “Why is your alarm set for five?”

“Because I have a job and I don’t want to go to it wearing the same clothes as yesterday,” Riley said, “including cum-stained panties.” She sat up with visible reluctance. “Which means you need to drive me home to shower and make myself look presentable.”

Presentable, John had to chuckle at the understatement. There, naked hunched over her phone’s screen, her hair a tangled mess, Riley was possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. “You know I have a functioning shower, right?” he said.

“Yeah, and do you have a spare set of women’s business attire for me, as well?” Riley asked with a smile.

“You guys don’t do casual Friday at…” John paused, realizing he still did not know what she did for a living, then finished, “…wherever you work?”

“I don’t think even casual Friday allows for a pair of your old gym shorts and no panties,” Riley said. She got up off the bed, giving John a clear view of her gorgeous ass, and stretched.

“Your dress code includes panties?” John said. “Seems kind of invasive.”

She shot him another smile. “Just drive me home,” she said. “I can’t miss another day of work this week just to lay around and suck your dick all day, as much as I’d like to.”

“Aww,” John replied. He reluctantly rolled out of bed.

“And anyway I don’t think your house guest would appreciate it,” Riley continued as she began dressing in yesterday’s discarded clothes. Though John had quickly understood what she had meant, she added “Your girlfriend, I mean.”

“My ex? I think she’ll be far too hungover to mind,” he responded. “You do know she’s not my girlfriend any more, right?” He got out of bed and began searching for a fresh pair of boxers in the dresser drawer.

“Sure,” Riley responded in a tone too ambiguous for John to interpret. “Now put on some more clothes and drive your side piece home before your girlfriend wakes up, ok?”

John stepped over to her and took her in his arms. “You know you’re not my side piece, right?”

“I’m fucking with you, dude,” Riley said, pulling away from him to finish buttoning her top. “I wouldn’t have fucked you last night if I had any doubts about that.” He couldn’t tell if she was genuinely annoyed with him worrying about it.

“Good,” John said. He began rummaging through the closet for something to wear. “I know you don’t want to be anyone’s side piece is all.” He plucked out a shirt and turned to look at her again.

“Yeah,” she said, “nobody wants that.”

“Right,” he said. He threw on the shirt.

“You know,” Riley said, “I have a functioning shower, too.”

“Oh yeah?” John replied.

“Yeah, and if you hurry your ass up and bring some work clothes to change into after, you might have just enough time to see it function. That is, if you’re not worried about leaving your ex alone in the house to deal with her hangover.”

John smiled. “I think she’ll manage.”

The drive in to work from Riley’s place had been pleasant enough, and as John sat at his desk, doing nothing but reminiscing about what the two of them had done in the shower before that drive, it seemed that this was shaping up to be a great day, possibly one of the greatest Fridays of his life. In a handful of hours would be the weekend, which was of course true of all Fridays, but this one came with the knowledge that he would no longer be subject to Penny’s commands. Not that he minded so much when her commands mostly amounted to “eat my pussy,” but her generally incomprehensible vibe did not sit well with John; he was happy to go down on her as much as she would like, he’d just rather not feel like he was doing so out of obligation.

And then of course there would be the night; he and Riley had made no firm plans beyond that they would meet up, with the implication being that said meet-up would be quickly followed by a lengthy session of fucking each others’ brains out.

Of course, all of that would be dependent on not getting waylaid on the way out the door; he had little fear in general of this happening when he left jobs. Most of the people around him were, historically, happy to see him go, if they noticed at all, because it meant that they had escaped being laid off by the scary consultant. This job, and Penny in particular, however, were different. He had no idea if she had some plan to make use of his last day of availability or if she had had her fill and was going to spend the rest of the day doing what she had spent the morning doing, evidently shut up away from the others in the office, as she had yet to make an appearance at John’s cubicle.

John would, if he was being honest, have been fine, either way. He was, of course, happy to spend work hours going down on a beautiful girl, but it was strange, and not just because he’d now done so on three separate occasions without having had her do more than lightly stroke his cock: he was fine with a selfish lover, even one bordering on psychotic levels of selfishness, but there was more to it than that. She was just so utterly strange.

He tapped his fingers on his desk. It was nearly time for lunch and there was still no sign of Penny; no dropping by his desk, no summons to her office. He decided to investigate.

Grabbing his coffee mug and heading off on the scenic route to the break room, he made sure to pass by Penny’s office. He found, to his surprise, that it was, evidently, empty. Through the windows, he could see no one inside, the lights off.

He changed direction, taking a different route, which led him to Priya’s desk, where he found her considering a computer monitor and periodically tapping the keys on its keyboard. “What’s up?” he greeted her.

Priya startled at the greeting, only to quickly relax. “Oh, hello,” she said.

“TGIF, right?” John said, only to be met with a confused look. “Never mind. Say, have you seen Penny?”

“Oh, no, she’s not in today,” Priya answered. “Did you need to see her?”

John considered for a second. After their previous meetings, that Penny would just not bother to even tell him she wouldn’t be available seemed to him, well, odd, but that was, he conceded, par for the course for her. “Nah,” he said. I guess sometimes things just work themselves out. What a weird little plot in the story of my life.

“Well, anyway…” Priya said, snapping John back to reality. “I guess today is your last day here?”

“Yeah,” John said. He was still half occupied with thoughts of Penny.

“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Priya again drew John back to the present.

“Yeah, you, too,” he said. “Have a nice weekend.”

She seemed to accept this as an end point to the conversation, and so John took the opportunity to return to his desk, empty coffee mug still in hand.

wanna play some nintendo?

Riley’s text had immediately drawn his attention away from the laptop screen, which had a poor chance of competing with a text for his attention, given that it was currently showing an old document that he had no intention of making any use of beyond leaving it open to appear busy. This had been more than sufficient, since there was really only one person in the office with any concern for what he was doing, as far as he could tell, and she had evidently lost interest, leaving John with blissfully little to do as he waited out the clock on the week and, with it, the job. In any case, “nintendo” certainly seemed like a perfect way to end the day.

Is that a code word, or are we actually going to be playing Nintendo? he texted back. He took another look at the clock, decided it was close enough to quitting time for the last day at an office where even the boss hadn’t bothered to show up, and quickly prepared to go. Glancing around the office once everything was packed up showed that everyone else seemed to have the same idea, people moving individually but producing a cumulative effect of a flow towards the elevators. Perfect, he thought.

He reached the elevators just in time to see one close, and watched with more than a little disappointment as the numbers counted down above it, each subsequent light taking it one more floor away. Ah well, there’s always the next one, he sighed to himself and pressed the down button, turning his attention to the other elevator, which the lights indicated was currently hovering a few floors up.

“In a hurry to get home, temp?”


John instantly recognized the voice of Penny from behind himself. He turned and confirmed that she had indeed appeared, finding her standing, this time adorned with yet a different skirt suit, but the same little mischievous smile he had come to expect.

“What can I say? Trying to beat that Friday rush hour,” he said.

“I’m afraid you’re too late for that,” she said. “You won’t get home for at least an hour if you leave now.”

John responded with a head motion that he hoped conveyed he was taking her opinion under far more advisement than he actually was.

“Unless,” she continued, “you’re not headed home? Weekend plans, perhaps?”

He shrugged. “Oh, you know, just hanging out, playing Nintendo, that kind of thing,” John said. He pressed the down button again, knowing consciously that it would have no effect.

“I see,” she replied, her eyes cutting right through him. “I would have thought a man like you would have a date all lined up. But, if you’re free, then perhaps you’d care for a drink? I believe you promised to ‘get me next time’.”

“You know,” John said, “I think you’re right.” Just then the elevator chimed and the door opened. He backed into it, bumping into a rather pudgy fellow who had evidently descended from a higher floor. “Rain check?” He reached over and, without taking his eyes off of Penny, pressed the close button.

“Today was your last day, temp,” she said, still eyeing him closely.

“Oh, right,” he said with a smile. “It is, isn’t it.” The doors closed and he sighed. Sometimes things really do just work out.

By the time he was situated in his car’s driver’s seat, Riley had replied:

up to you

but yeah it’s a code word

for butt stuff

He chuckled just as another text came in:

butt stuff and then nintendo

He smiled. When should I come over? he texted back. A moment later she replied:


or whenever

but now, I mean

He started the car, texted be there in five, and was out of the parking lot before he’d even gotten his seat belt on.

“Fuck, your ass is so good, baby,” Riley purred.

“Unnh,” was as coherent a response as John could muster as her hard dick slid deep into his butt. He was only lazily stroking himself as she pounded him, just enjoying the feeling of being stretched out and filled up. Every time her cock head pushed into him, he felt a wave of pleasure that threatened to make him shoot his load even without helping himself along with his hand, and while he was certain a long night of both giving and receiving was in store, he was hoping to build up a suitably large load before emptying his balls into Riley’s ass.

He would have to wait, however, he concluded, as essentially the instant he had walked through her apartment’s door, she had been on top of him. They had groped and kissed furiously, of course, but her hand had quickly gone from feeling his rapidly hardening cock through his pants, to loosing it from those pants, to stroking it, and then quickly to fingering his asshole while her lips took her hand’s place on his cock in the span of what John felt was only a few seconds.

A moment later he was on his knees, bent over her couch while her tongue probed his asshole. She had jerked him furiously while her tongue invaded him, leaving him overflowing with spit before he knew it.

Not that he had minded. His cock had been rock hard even before she’d started rimming him and her tongue darting in an out of his hole only drove him crazier. It was just that even now, what must have only been a few minutes later at most, he was having a hard time piecing together the whirlwind sequence of events that had led from entering that doorway to experiencing jolts of pleasure every time her dick slammed into his prostate.

“Oh shit I’m gonna fucking cum,” she moaned.

That was fast, the thought popped into his head through all the pleasure. Not that he minded that, either. He loved the feeling of Riley’s cock convulsing as it shot a load of hot cum deep into his bowels, and besides, once she had finished it meant it was his turn to bend her over the couch. “Do it, baby,” he managed to grunt before she lost control, her cock spurting like mad inside of him.

“Mmm, unnggghh…” she moaned as her load splattered in his ass. “Oooh fuck…” she was breathing hard and when he turned his head to get a sideways look at her, her bra still on, her brow dripping sweat, he saw she was thoroughly focused on squeezing the last drops of her cum into him. She panted a few times, pulled out of him with a wet sound, and collapsed beside him on the couch. She did not seem to notice him watching her as she recovered, her faint, trailing “oh fuck…” directed at no one in particular.

“I guess you’ve been anticipating this all day?” he teased. He could already feel her sizable load, despite having been left deep inside of him, starting to make its way inexorably towards his asshole as he straightened up.

“Huh?” she seemed to snap out of her trance, then laughed. “Yeah, sorry, I’ve been hard practically since the time you left this morning till now. Made it a little hard to focus at work.”

“Not at all,” he said. “Happy to help you out. That is, under the assumption that you’re not now going to boot me out on the street.”

She laughed her cute little laugh and John couldn’t help smiling in response. “Hey, I promised you Nintendo,” she said. “And Nintendo you’ll get.”

“I was kind of hoping that was a code word…” he replied.

“It is,” she said. “Although if you prefer, I do have a Nintendo around here somewhere.” She glanced around her apartment, which was, as it had been the last time John saw it, a complete disaster zone of clothes, cables, half-empty cups and various other junk.

“I think Donkey Kong can wait,” John said.

“Good,” she said. “Because I know you can’t.”

He shrugged.

“Ok, but maybe the bed?” she offered. “Believe it or not, I was planning on that before you got here, but then you showed up and I just couldn’t wait…”

“No problem,” he said as he stepped out of his pants, “It’s quite the compliment, in a way.” He picked them up, leaving his shoes and socks on the floor; he figured here was as good a place as any for them, amidst the other junk, and began unbuttoning his shirt.

She got up, pulled her shorts up just enough to make walking less awkward, and led him to the bedroom, which was, unsurprisingly, in approximately the same state of disarray as the living room was. “I really was planning on bringing you in here and going slower,” she said over her shoulder. “I even had some porn set up for us to watch together.”

“Ooh, hot,” he said, very aware of the wagging of his erect penis.

She shimmied out of her shorts and flopped down onto the bed, which was, unlike the surface of the floor, thankfully not covered in various discarded items.

He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, making a mental note of where to retrieve it later, as it could easily get lost in all the junk, then took a second to admire her. She had removed all her clothing but her bra, a sort of frilly affair, allowing him to savor the view of her creamy-white skin, thin legs, and, of course, that beautiful, semi-flaccid cock, which was glimmering with spit and cum as she lay back and manipulated a laptop sitting on the nightstand next to her bed.

She caught him looking at her and smiled. “I would ask if gay stuff is ok, but I know you’ll say ‘yes’,” she said. He followed her beckoning finger and lay down on the bed besides her to get a better view of what was on screen. “Sorry for the size; I couldn’t haul the tv in here with my little girl muscles, so you’ll have to make do.”

“I think it’ll be fine,” he said. “What ‘gay stuff’ are we watching?”

“Just something I found the other day,” she said, as the video started. This was evidently not a story-focused video, as it began right away with the performers, a woman and two men, all clad in skimpy leather outfits, talking to the camera.

“And you saved it in one of these ‘hidden folders’ you were telling me about?” John teased.

“When you find a good enough video,” she said. “It took a while to find one with two guys and a trans girl…” she said.

“Your google-fu must be pretty weak,” he said.

“You didn’t let me finish,” she said. “I meant one where the guys fuck each other, too.”

“Ah,” John said. “Now that’s a horse of a different color. But wouldn’t one where the trans girl is the center of attention be more identifiable for you?”

“Yeah,” she shrugged. She sat up and began unclasping her bra. “But I mean, when you watch ‘straight’ threesome porn, don’t you like it when the girls eat each other out and stuff?”

“Yeah,” John answered. “This doesn’t have anything to do with my recent foursome, does it?”

She gave a playful little smile, then said, “Maybe. Not going to lie, I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. You really think you can get a threesome hooked up? Or like a foursome or whatever?”

“Are you just using me to get to other guys?” he teased.

She made a playful scowl. “No,” she said.

He responded the best way he knew how, a silent expression of “really?” on his face.

“No,” she repeated, this time sans scowl. She seemed to think for a second, then said timidly, “I like you.”

“Yeah?” John said, a little anxious jump in his stomach seeming to push the question out of him involuntarily.

“Yeah,” she said. She turned her attention, or at least tried to make it appear as if she had turned her attention, to the laptop screen, which was showing the two studs sharing the trans girl’s cock, each licking up and down one side of it. “I mean, don’t get any ideas. We’re still casual.” She turned back to look at him. “But, yeah, I like you.”

He looked into her eyes. “I like you, too,” he said, trying to strike the right balance of sincerity and levity. “And don’t worry, totally casual. I mean, you said ‘like’, after all, not ‘like like’.”

She laughed, “Yeah, I’m not in eighth grade, dude.”

“I should hope so,” John replied, “or this just got really messed up.”

“I assure you,” she said, “what we’re about to do is entirely legal.” She tossed the bra, which she had until then been holding in one hand, to the side, wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him down on top of her, kissing him deeply.

As they kissed, he felt their dicks rub together, his completely hard, hers having grown soft but still wet and sticky with spit and cum. He kissed down her neck to her chest, then took her left nipple into his mouth as he slid down her body. He toyed with her right breast with his hand while he ran his tongue in circles around her nipple, then continued down, across her smooth, taut belly, before arriving at her semi-hard cock. He took it into his mouth and sucked on it gently, eliciting moans from the still-sensitive Riley. He looked up into her eyes, which were practically glowing as she smiled down at him, then focused again on her warm flesh as he kissed down further still, letting her cock flop free from his lips and kissing over her cute little hairless ballsack.

She sensed what he wanted and pulled her legs up to comply, exposing her tiny little brown asshole to him. He teased it with the tip of his tongue, circling it before pushing cautiously inside. She breathed deeply as his tongue penetrated her. Try as she might, she could not entirely keep still as his tongue tickled her, and her body wiggled with the sensation that was surely shooting up her spine. For his part, he smiled with pleasure at her taste.


An unfamiliar voice came from another part of the apartment, causing John to freeze up. For a moment, curled up there at the end of the bed, fully naked, he did not process it, but as he retracted his tongue into his mouth in what felt like a painstakingly laborious process for some reason, some part of his brain identified the voice as distinctly male.

His eyes met Riley’s.

Her face was an image of panic. Her tongue seemed to be caught between her teeth.

John sat up.

“Baby, you home?” the voice came again. Riley suddenly unfroze. Her face changed expressions and she indicated with a motion of her head as she lowered her legs toward the closet.

John followed her line of sight, took a second to process it, then looked back at her.

“Please,” she mouthed to him as she sat upright.


Faster than he had ever moved in his life, his body activated, hurtling towards the closet. He didn’t even think of what he was doing, had no idea how his subconscious had beaten him to the realization of what was going on, a realization that somehow snapped into view when Riley, gently closing the closet doors, said with slightly raised voice, “Yeah, honey, I’m in here.”

She, the picture of calmness, tiptoed over to her shorts and began putting them on when, through the slats in the closet doors, John could see the bedroom door open and a figure appear: male, as John had surmised from the voice, decent looking, perhaps slightly taller than John, but thinner, with short blond hair. He was dressed in what appeared to be the remnants of a partially removed casual business get-up: dress shirt untucked from gray slacks and with the top button undone. “Am I interrupting something?” the man said.

“No, I was just…” Riley began.

“Jacking off?” the man finished her sentence for her.

Riley looked down, then, with a glance at the closet so quick that John wasn’t even sure he hadn’t imagined it, answered, “Yeah. I didn’t think you’d be home yet.”

“Conference was over, anyway,” the man said. “Turns out there was an open seat on a flight today, so I took that. Don’t look so happy to see me.” He flopped down on the bed and unbuttoned another button.

“No, baby,” Riley said, “I mean, I would have waited for you if I had known. You could have texted or something.”

“Eh,” the guy said, turning to look at the laptop, which continued to play porn, though John could only guess at the contents from this angle and the muddled sounds of gay sex emanating from it. The man made a face at whatever acts were being performed and closed the laptop. “It’s fine. Better to keep this gay shit to your alone time, anyway. You know I’m not into this stuff.”

“Yeah, I know,” Riley said. She picked her discarded bra up and sat on the floor, starting to put it back on.

“But if you’re still in the mood…” the guy said.

This time John was sure he caught a glance from her before she responded, “I don’t know…I mean, I just finished…”

“Aww, come on, baby,” he said, shaking his head slightly and looking to the ceiling, “I just got back in town, I’m tired…”

“Yeah, I know, Nick,” she said, her shoulders slumping.

Nick, John thought. Nice to meet you, Nick. I’m John, the guy who’s been fucking your…what? Girlfriend? Wife?

“Whatever,” he said, “if you’re not into it.” He looked around the room at nothing in particular. “I was going to ask if you’re up for some dinner. Hungry from the plane.”

“I guess I could eat,” she said. A second later, she added, “But I need to get dressed first.”

Trying to get him out of here? John said. He had become very aware that he was at the moment completely naked, mere feet from his apparent romantic rival, and that his clothes were distributed haphazardly throughout Riley’s apartment. Thank god for her sloppiness and his obliviousness.

“I was thinking we could stay in,” Nick said. As if to emphasize it, he began removing his belt.

Or maybe I’ll just sneak out when he’s in the toilet or something…

“I don’t really have anything in the fridge…” Riley said. John got the distinct impression she was fighting not to glance at the closet.

“That’s cool,” Nick said. He had removed his belt and was now unfastening his slacks. “We can order in.” He slid his slacks down, and with them his underwear. “Or you can have some of this.” He had revealed what was possibly the largest cock John had ever seen outside of porn. It flopped heavily in his hand as he teased her.

“Nick…” Riley said.

Even from within the closet John could estimate that Nick’s cock was at least an inch longer than his own, flaccid, anyway. It was probably even larger than Curtis’s, although it was hard to compare based only on his memory. Instinctively he looked down at his own member. Somehow still rock hard, he couldn’t help comparing. At least I’m bigger for now. To say that the many and various emotions were running through John’s head would have been an understatement; “trampling” or perhaps “stampeding” might have been a better term, he concluded.

“Come on,” Nick said, drawing John’s attention back out to the scene occurring on the other side of those closet doors.

“I told you, I just finished,” Riley said. She was moving her lips and tongue in a way that John could not interpret: was it anxiousness or desire?

“So you’re the only one who gets to cum today?” Nick asked. “Hardly seems fair. Come on, you know you want to.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Riley said, seeming not to have an end to the sentence.

“Then what’s stopping you?” Nick replied. “Come on, where’s that girl who used to suck me off under the bleachers?”

“It’s nothing,” she said. Her eyes, which had been slowly drifting in John’s direction once more, flicked back to the half-naked man slowly stroking himself on her bed.

“Then come here,” Nick said. He reached out his hand and, placing it on her head, gently guided her towards him.

John watched intently as Riley obediently opened her mouth and took Nick’s semi-hard cock head between her lips. Even obscured by the door slats, he could see that Nick was growing harder at her touch, forcing her to open wide as his cock grew thicker and longer. He could only imagine how good it would feel having her lips stretched around his cock like that.

Nick leaned back, supporting himself with his arms and sighing with pleasure as Riley’s head began moving up and down rhythmically. John could only partially see, but he could tell she was jerking him with her left hand while she sucked. He could almost feel her tongue working up and down the underside of Nick’s shaft.

It was then that John realized he had been gripping his own cock, absentmindedly stroking himself. He found he had been unthinkingly matching these two lovers’ rhythm with his own hand. The fuck am I doing? he thought.

Is it really all that different from porn? his subconscious seemed to be in a talking mood suddenly.

Yes, he thought back at it. This is the girl that I… He cut off his own train of thought. Look, it’s different. She’s been lying to me, and now she’s out there sucking off her real boyfriend and his real huge cock after stuffing me in a closet.

Yeah, sucking that big, beautiful cock. Who are you jealous of? Him or the girl you…

Shut up. You don’t need to convince me I’m secretly into guys. I’m into guys; that should be pretty obvious by this point.

“Unngghh, oh, yeah…” Nick’s moan of pleasure drew John’s attention back to the scene playing out in front of him and, happily, gave him a respite from his own thoughts.

Sllluuurrp… Riley made a particularly loud, wet noise as she vacuumed up the spit she had just finished depositing all along Nick’s cock before kissing the tip gently and then slowly taking as much of it as she seemed able back into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck, yes, I’m gonna cum…” Nick grunted. He threw his head back and closed his eyes. Riley continued to suck him without interruption, though it became clear that he was following through on his proclamation.

John felt something he had felt thousands of times before but despite this, the sensation came as a surprise: the feeling of an eruption of cum, hot and powerful, rocketing up from seemingly his deepest depths, up the length of his cock and finally out the tip, from where it proceeded to splatter on the closet door in front of him. Once, twice, three times he watched his cock jump, spurting out a glob of thick, white goo onto that door, almost understanding what was happening. It’s probably going to drip through the slats there, he thought, oddly detached from what that might mean, just perceiving it as a physical fact.

A few seconds later, Nick pushed on Riley’s shoulder lightly and she sat back upright. She licked her lips as he sighed. “Thanks, baby,” he said. “I needed that.”

“Yeah, I guess you did,” she said, strangely without affect, it seemed to John.

“So, you still want dinner?” Nick said as he stood up, pulling his slacks up as he did so.

“Well, I did just kind of eat,” Riley answered with a little laugh.

If Nick got the joke, he didn’t show it. “Oh,” he said, “well, I’m kind of hungry. I guess I can just pick something up for myself. You sure you don’t want me to bring you anything?”

“Nah, I’m good,” she said. She stood up and followed him out the door of the bedroom, leaving John alone in a dark closet, peeking out at nothing in particular, cock growing soft in his hand. He sighed, then, realizing it might be heard, felt his whole body tense. He waited patiently for a response that did not come, only the sound of a door in the other room, some murmurs that he assumed were goodbyes. A few seconds later, Riley, still in a bra and shorts, reappeared in the bedroom doorway, alone, and proceeded directly to the closet.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Uh huh,” John said. He stepped out of the closet, brushing by her, and began dressing.

“Look,” she said behind him, “that was…”

“Your boyfriend?” he cut her off.

She did not respond right away, so when he had pulled his pants back on, he looked at her. She was looking right back at him. “Yeah,” she said finally.

“And this is a long term thing?” John asked, “A few months? A few years?”

She opened her mouth as if to respond, but the words forcing their way out of John beat hers to the punch. “You know what, it doesn’t matter,” he said. “I’m going to guess maybe a year and a half based on your chemistry together.”

She bit her lip, and all John could think is how much it must taste like this Nick character’s cum at that moment. “Well, anyway, congrats on whatever anniversary you last had.” He found himself moving out to the living room, where his hands, despite their shaking, surprised John with their ability to locate and manipulate his shoes back onto his feet.

Riley had followed him out but remained silent. Having fully dressed he took one more look at her. Beautiful, sexy, adorable little bitch, he thought. “Alright, well, as per our agreement…”

This time it was her words that won the race. “John, I…” They both waited while she formulated the end of the sentence. “Don’t. Don’t go.”

“No feelings, no diseases,” John said. “I believe those were the rules. I’m going to trust you on the latter,” he said. He opened the door and was about to step out into the hallway when she stopped him with a hand on his arm.

“You don’t want to be a side piece,” she was almost whispering.

He tried to look into her eyes, but she quickly turned her head to the side.

“That an offer?” he asked. Receiving no reply beyond Riley clinching her lips while her tears, despite her best efforts, began to leak down her cheeks, he added, “Not really what I signed up for. Thanks, though, anyway.” He sighed. “Good times,” he said, pulling away from her limp grip and closing the door behind him.

“How about a drink?” he said to the nobody else in the hall.

“Don’t mind if I do,” he responded.