~~~ Monday ~~~
The next morning, as soon as her alarm went off, I decided to take my revenge on my ornery little wife for tormenting me as I carried her mother up the stairs the night before.
I rolled the little vixen’s pussy onto my face and started eating her out – licking & nibbling all of her naughty bits. Her eyes weren’t even open – and her alarm was still blaring – and her pussy was already telling me that I was a good boy and deserved a treat. Meanwhile, her mother eyed my stiff cock and decided to collect her breakfast with her vagina. Kelsey swatted her daughter’s ass as the hot teacher rode my cock like a cowgirl while I ate her daughter’s honeypot.
The alarm finally gave up – and so did its owner. She writhed on my face – her fingers locked into my scalp – as her mother started trembling in orgasm. Kasey was close behind and – of course – as soon as Kelsey’s pussy locked-down on me – I was firing another round of cock-snot into the woman who had said she was ready to have my baby. I wanted, more than anything in the world, to make that dream a reality. I wanted one with Kasey too – but – for now – it would be better to wait.
When I finally let her go, my cheer-wife bit my jaw and growled at me – but then kissed me hard – getting some of her taste back from my face & tongue. Then she growled and bit me again – before rushing off to jump in the shower. She yelled that she was going to tell the coach that I was the one who had made her late.
Her mother snuggled into my arms, licked the rest of her daughter’s special-sauce off of me, and then made-out with me – as the whirling tempest spun in & out of the bathroom to rush off to practice. I picked her mother up – still kissing her – and carried her to the shower. We didn’t take too long – but I got her clean – and had a little fun at the same time. She stroked me as she got another lusty kiss before leaving the room to dress. I was glad she quit or I was going to need another shower.
I ducked out of class to meet my mother-in-law at the doctor’s office. I joined her in the waiting room, just before they called her to go back. She sat on the examination table and I dropped into a chair, checking my phone. When the doctor arrived, I shoved my phone in my pocket. It was my first time visiting one of these kinds of physicians.
“Mrs. Williams?”
“It’s Mitchell now. I asked the front desk to update my records.”
“Yes, alright. Why are we here today?”
“I’m planning to get pregnant.”
“Yes, yes?”
“I just want to get everything checked out and then start whatever prenatal vitamin routine you would recommend.”
“Right,” the doctor replied. Looking over at me, she said, “Young man, I’m going to have to ask you …”
“He will be the father of the baby,” Kelsey informed her.
“I’m her husband,” I added. “Just not in this state.”
“Ah,” the woman said, attempting to recover, “then I guess you can stay, as long as the lady approves.”
“Trust me, Doc,” my lover responded, smiling, “this boy has seen more of me than you have.”
“Yes. Right. Well, then … let’s just get you checked out, shall we?”
The doctor slipped back out of the room while Kelsey changed. A nurse knocked on the door and handed us a paper robe. I helped my wife get undressed. I looked over her amazing body – molesting her with my eyes – but she told me to keep my hands off – because the doctor would likely check her insides – and she didn’t want to be leaking pre-cum from me getting her all excited. That whole conversation just had me getting all excited.
The doctor returned and went through her checklist with all of her little “Yes, yes'” responses. Kelsey had warned me not to be inserting lewd comments into the conversation. Of course, I had told her I was going to be inserting something lewd just as soon as we got done with this appointment. That got me a peck on the lips – and orders to sit in the chair and be quiet if I couldn’t control myself.
An hour later, we walked back out to the parking lot where I got a kiss – with a little tongue – before we climbed into our separate vehicles. We were really going to have to get Kelsey something better to drive than that horrible wreck that her mother-in-law’s financial coercion had left her with. It was a wonder the thing still ran. Honestly, the car probably felt sorry for my lover – and refused to die – just to spite the evil, old hag that kept Kelsey poor enough that she couldn’t run out and buy something better. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that.
Just to be safe, I followed her until she pulled into the school parking lot and then I headed for class. Kasey had promised to catch me up on what I missed. I had warned the professor, ahead of time, that I had a doctor’s appointment – but I still got a scowl as I attempted to quietly sneak into the class that was already in progress.
My younger wife raised an eyebrow at me and I gave her a thumbs-up. As I dropped into my seat, she reached over and groped my dick – and then went back to listening to the instructor. When class was over, we headed to the food-court to grab a bite to eat while we waited to head to our lab. I told her everything the doctor had told us. She giggled when I said that the doctor had tried to run me off – and her mom’s response. She caught me up on the two classes I’d missed all or part of while seeing the obstetrician.
In the physics lab, I managed to hook the capacitor up backwards – and earned the ire of the teacher – who had just got done warning us not to do that. After that, I let Kasey handle everything – and I took over the note-taking. The instructor circled past a couple more times but – once he realized I had handed things off to my partner – he became less concerned about how much more school property I was going to damage or destroy.
I followed Kasey home but – when we arrived – Kelsey’s jalopy was nowhere to be found. She jumped in with me and we headed along the route her mom usually took from school to home – expecting to find her stranded. We pulled into the parking lot to discover the beater still parked in her space. She still wasn’t answering her phone – so we tried the door. It was locked but Mr. Jenkins came out a couple seconds later. He held the door for us – informing us that she was still in her office, working.
She nearly jumped out of her skin as the two of us stuck our heads in her doorway. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes looked tired – but she still looked hot – so I wrapped my arms around her waist, grabbed her ass, and kissed her. Kasey reached her arm beneath me, through my legs, to grasp my cock – which sprang into action – and banged into my older lover’s skirt – prodding at her sex.
I heard the door lock and looked over to see that Kasey was removing her clothes. Her mother and I looked at each other, locked our lips together, and started following her lead.
By the time I was naked, Kasey was bent over her mother’s chair – presenting her holes to me – and begging me to give her a quick climax before I ravaged her mother.
I popped my prick into her wanton chasm and grabbed her hips. She grunted as I fucked myself into her tightness. In less than a minute, she was squealing as she squirted all over her mother’s fake-leather upholstery. Out of breath, she turned and sat in the mess, shoving her naughty fingers into her freshly-fucked pussy as I turned my attention to her mother – who was sitting on the edge of the desk – gloriously devoid of clothing.
I suckled her breasts, nipping at her nipples, and attacking her mouth with my own when she growled with feral desire. I eased her onto her back, raised her legs to place her ankles on either side of my head, and started sliding my sloppy dick in & out of her cozy channel.
Kasey scooted the chair to her left – so she could watch us more easily – still petting her pretty kitty.
Once Kelsey got that first orgasm, I pressed her knees back – spreading them apart a bit – so that I could see all of her goodies – as I fucked my needy cock into her perfect pussy.
“I love you, Kelsey Guinevere Mitchell, and I’m going to fuck a baby into you right here on your desk.”
“Do it!” Kasey called out, as she paddled her pink canoe.
“I love you, Reginald Joseph Mitchell. I am delighted to carry your name – and will be ecstatic when I carry your child. I will happily bear you as many children as you can fuck into me.”
I could no longer stand not having my mouth on hers. I released her legs, leaned forward, scooped her up, and held her to myself – kissing her as her clamoring cunt continued to knead my raging staff. She wrapped her arms around my neck – and her ankles around my waist – and I grabbed her ass to grip her tightly – and hold her – as I pumped her body up & down on my aching length. I growled with desire as her body worked its magic on me – and my balls warned me that the end was near.
“Here it comes, sweet wife. You are so fucking hot. I want to fuck you all night – but you’ve wrung me out – here comes my seed.”
“Fill me, lover – husband – give me your baby – give me a litter – I’ll happily spoil them all.”
I grunted as my sperm started spewing inside of her. I pressed her pussy down onto the nozzle of my fire-hose as it gushed and geysered – filling her. She captured my mouth with her own and sucked the life out of me. I could die right now and I would die happy.
Kasey cried out and we looked over at her jizz – pooling under her ass – on her mother’s big office chair.
“Jenkins is gonna need a fucking mop,” I laughed.
My mother-in-law / bride joined me in laughter.
Her daughter had her head laid back – panting – still trying to catch her breath.
Several minutes later, we worked to clean the place up, got dressed, and left the door open to allow some fresh air in. As we worked, I told my MILF lover that – someday – I wanted to sit in her chair – with my pants around my ankles – as she hid beneath the desk and sucked my dick. She leaned close, whispered “someday” – as she groped my cock – and then kissed me lustily. I wrapped my arms around her, grabbing her magnificent ass to pull her in and lengthen the kiss. Her jealous daughter swatted me on the butt and told us we needed to get moving. She’s a spoilsport – a sporty spoiled spoilsport.
On the way home, we stopped by the taco truck to grab something to take with us to eat while we worked on homework.
~~~ Tuesday ~~~
Tuesday was spent attending classes, mowing & trimming two yards, and working a short shift at Pop’s.
Kasey talked to the lawyer and he was willing to get everything set up for the Winkler house. She ran over – after classes – and got things signed. I texted Mr. Winkler and told him that he should be hearing from the lawyer. Kasey texted Aunt Betty and updated her. She said she’d set up the appointment with the banker to talk about the bridge-loan.
There was a For Sale sign in the front yard, when I got home.
Kasey calculated that her mom would be most fertile at the end of the week – so we decided to hold off on sex. Her research didn’t really support the idea that my sperm-count would be higher by doing that but – mentally – we thought that might increase our chances. I couldn’t cum – but they could – so I ate each of them through one orgasm. As I lay between my lovers – unsatisfied – trying to get to sleep, the two wicked witches teased my chest, abs, and thighs with their naughty fingers. I growled at them. I already had blue-balls and we’d been at this abstinence thing for less than 24 hours.
~~~ Wednesday ~~~
After classes, Kasey met Aunt Betty at the bank and got things rolling on the bridge loan.
I grabbed some boxes from the store and we started packing up things that didn’t need to be left out. We worked on that for a while, did our homework, ate some leftovers, and then went back to packing again. My mom & dad made me some space in their garage and I started shuttling boxes over there each time I went to classes.
Aunt Betty called to say we had our first prospective buyers coming the next day. We tidied up a little before bed – but I would need to finish the rest after the girls left in the morning.
In bed, we kissed & cuddled – and they were a little nicer to me. I don’t think they were feeling sorry for me – they were just more focused on our game-plan for showing the house and getting ready to move. It might not have hurt that I didn’t pleasure them either – so they were more cognizant of what I was enduring.
~~~ Thursday ~~~
Once Kasey and I were out of class, we stopped and picked up her mom. Today was our day to start getting documents changed over to their new last names. Kelsey’s approval had finally come through – on the name change – and we had several stops to make. Some of them could be done by mail – like the Post Office and the IRS. The DMV required an in-person visit – and that’s where we headed first. Once my wives had new IDs, we headed to the Social Security office. Once we finished all of those errands, we decided to grab dinner – out – before heading back to the house.
My tormentors must have been feeling sorry for me. They finally gave in and let me go to Gas Station Sushi. I told Mr. Kim how much I’d missed him. He brought me a double-order of Crab Rangoons while we waited for our food. Since I knew it might be years before they’d let me return again, I ordered an extra meal – to go – so I could have more at home later. My lovers looked at me like I’d lost my mind. I simply told them, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Kasey, sitting across from me, rubbed the sole of her bare foot across my crotch and I warned her that it’d been 48 hours since I’d cum and that she was risking getting thrown onto the table for sex. She cackled in laughter but then quit when she realized I was serious. She snickered when Mr. Kim returned with our food and I could only imagine that she was thinking about what it would look like as he stood there – holding our meals – as I finished dumping a load of cum into her belly on top of the table we’d soon be eating on.
We got home and did homework – and then the girls worked on packing more things while I ran to Pop’s to do a shift. They stacked the boxes in the garage for me to move the next day.
Kasey reported that Aunt Betty had called to say that the family who had come through – earlier in the day – was trying to figure out whether or not to make an offer. She also told us there were multiple clients lined up for Friday & Saturday – and an open house scheduled for Sunday.
Kelsey called my mom to see if it would be okay to hang out with her after church and she said she’d love to have the company.
When I got home from work, we headed to bed – where I got hugs & kisses – and then they let me fall asleep in their arms.
~~~ Friday ~~~
When we arrived home from our classes, Aunt Betty was just finishing with the last family for the day. We waited in the car, in the drive. Once they were on their way, she came over to tell us that one of the two groups who had seen the house today was interested. She was hoping that – by the end of the weekend – we’d have a bidding-war going. She said that – as soon as we had a solid offer – and the paperwork had been started – the bank would approve the bridge-loan – and we could call Mr. Winkler to arrange closing on the underground house.
I headed off to Pop’s – promising to bring a pie home with me – when I came. I would rather be helping the girls pack but Friday nights were always the best tips.
One of my deliveries went to Carol’s house. She asked several nosey questions – looking to see if I was wearing my wedding ring – and then only tipped me a dollar – not that I was really surprised.
The rest of the night flew by and I wouldn’t have even remembered to grab my pizza to take home with me if one of the girls at the counter hadn’t reminded me.
I got home to find an all-too-familiar Lincoln parked at the edge of our property. Maybe she was just visiting one of her spotters – but it still pissed me off.
I opened the front door and called Kasey to come take the pizza. I handed the box to her, returned to my car, grabbed a Dollar General bag from the stash under the seat, walked over to Mrs. Jordan’s house, turned on my flashlight, and looked around for a fresh pile of dog shit. It took me a couple minutes, but I found one that would do, picked up a chunk – using the plastic bag as a glove – and squeezed it in my fist – heading for the Lincoln. When I got there, I smeared it all over the door handle – making sure every square inch had a nice thick coat. I went to the trashcan, turned my “glove” inside out, and disposed of it – heading inside – with my hand in the air so that I wouldn’t accidentally touch anything. I immediately headed for the washroom to make sure I got rid of whatever might have squeaked through a tear in the bag before I joined the girls for dinner. Kasey went to the front room, and laughingly told her mom what I’d been up to as I was getting cleaned up.
We took the pizza to the dining room table. It was late. The girls were tired – and so was I. We decided to just grab a slice or two – and throw the rest in the fridge. I realized the blinds were open and went to shut them – peering into the darkness for a moment – but I didn’t see anything. Either she wasn’t there – or she was getting better at not getting caught. As I joined the girls to finish my slices, I snickered – thinking about what her face would look like when she discovered my little surprise.
Kasey had calculated that tonight was the beginning of our best window – for the pills having worn off – as well as Kelsey ovulating. I was looking forward to cumming in somebody’s twat and I really wasn’t particular about whose it was. With the ramp-up to the weddings, the honeymoons, and my lovers’ active libidos, it had been a while since I’d gone this long without sex.
Mindful that I probably wouldn’t last long, my wives had everything planned out. First I would fuck a baby into Kelsey, one or both of them would suck & stroke me back to hardness, and then Kasey would get an orgasm or two. If Kelsey wasn’t already sated, she could get another one or two after her daughter was finished. Like I said, as long as my cock spent the night stuffed in somebody’s pussy, I was as happy as a clam.
I’ve always wondered how we know clams are happy. I just knew I was going to be more than happy to have my prick shoved in somebody’s bearded clam.
My former Science teacher was in her normal sleeping spot. The plan was that – once her twat was full of cock-snot – she wouldn’t want to move – and take a chance on losing any of it. She had a pillow tucked under her ass – and was waiting – knees spread wide – for me to fill her.
I was worried that the pillow would interfere with my usual kisses – so I crawled up beside her to make out with her – using my free hand to touch, stroke, pinch, and tease her magnificent body – from her neck to her taint. Soon, she was panting – and ordered me to get my prick inside of her.
I moved to my place – between her knees – and slid it slowly inside – savoring the feel of her vaginal muscles pulling me in – holding me – resisting when I retreated. My brain was full of lightning bolts. It was like I was having sex for the first time again. The stimulation – all the way up & down my shaft – was firing urgent messages at my brain. My head was buzzing – and my ears were full of the sexy sounds & pleadings coming from my lover.
My hands were on her knees – leaning her legs back, slightly, and opening her beautiful body up for me to ravage. Her pussy felt amazing and I was quickly reaching my limit.
“Kelsey …” I called out in warning.
“Hold on, baby!” she begged.
“I don’t think I can …” I told her.
“Fuckk! Oh! Yes! Reggie! Fuck me! Fuck me! Cum in me. I want your baby so badly.”
“Cummingggg!” I groaned.
I feverishly pounded into her twice more – and then buried the mouth of my prick against her cervix – willing my seed to find her egg and create life. I held that position until I was sure every drop of my slippery spend had been pumped into my lover.
“Let me taste you,” she begged.
I dropped to my knees – next to her – but she pulled my leg across her chest – and locked her arms around my thighs to suck me into her passionate mouth. She looked so fucking hot – even before she had my dick in her mouth – that I was already hardening again.
She pulled off of me with a “pop” and laughed, “Somebody’s ready to go again. Horn-dog!”
Kasey grabbed my shoulders and threw me to the bed next to her mother – climbing on top of me – shoving my meatsicle inside her.
Her mother laughed at her and said, “Looks like you’re a matched set. Grab her hips, stud, and punish that pussy.”
I did just that.
Kasey pinched her tits & nipples as I commenced to slamming her pussy down onto my stiff rod. My need was already growing and I was pretty sure I was going to cum in both their pussies before the night was over.
When Kelsey leaned over, teased my chest & nipples with her hands & fingers, and then pulled me in for an intense make-out session, I felt my nut-sack powering up for round 2. I’m not sure how much cum I dumped into Kasey – but I masturbated myself with her body – while tongue-wrestling her mother – until I shot my load inside of her. My sweaty little cheerleader was out of breath and moaning when she collapsed forward – onto me – and I pulled her lips to mine.
Kelsey & I tugged the covers up as much as we could and we cuddled together to fall asleep.
~~~ Saturday ~~~
Remembering that we were going to have guests in the house soon, we opened the bedroom windows – to vent the smells of our sex – and changed the sheets – throwing the soiled ones into the washer.
We got the house picked up, packed a few more boxes, and carried them out. I was loading the last of them into my trunk as Betty pulled up. The girls joined me in the car and we pulled out, as Betty’s first appointment parked behind her at the edge of the yard. The Lincoln was gone. We cruised to mom’s house and unloaded the boxes into the garage.
From there, we drove to the nearby state park, rented a canoe, and took off exploring. We ducked into a few small coves and got to see lots of wildlife. Kasey snapped a few pictures but Kelsey and I had our phones in waterproof float-packs because we were still a little nervous about whether or not we would get through the day without getting wet. A couple hours later, we returned the canoe, disembarked, and gave a little cheer that we’d successfully completed our quest without flipping the boat. Kasey – who spends part of each day suspended in the air on other people’s hands & shoulders – has much better balance – and was never worried.
We stopped by Benny’s for lunch and – for once – I ordered a modest-sized meal – because we weren’t sure when we’d be allowed to return to the house. Aunt Betty had gotten a last-minute addition to the schedule – so we were in a holding-pattern.
I called Grandma Mitchell – to see if we could come bug her for a little bit and – of course – she was delighted to have us. I told her not to be baking any cookies but she informed me that she’d just taken a pan from the oven. When we arrived – several minutes later – I was pretty sure the cookies were a little too warm to have been sitting around for all that long – but there was no way I was going to get her to admit that.
We played Uno and chatted and – as usual – she talked us into staying for dinner. The meatloaf was in the crockpot and was already smelling good – so it didn’t take much to convince us. It was a little uncanny how my grandmother always seemed to have food ready when we popped in.
It surprised me – not at all – when – a couple hours later – as we were leaving – she asked how the baby-making was going. She looked at both of my lovers as she inquired. Maybe it was just innocent – checking with mom to see if she’d tell more than daughter would – but it was almost like she knew I was fucking both of them. I was sure we were hiding it well enough – but – like I said – Grandma just seemed to know stuff. We told her we were working on it, gave her kisses & hugs, and headed for the car.
Aunt Betty had texted – a couple hours before – that we were clear to return but – by that time – were busy being hustled into another home-made meal – and it hadn’t made any sense to ditch Grandma just to head home – especially when we’d still need to find something to eat.
Kelsey slid in next to me as I got behind the wheel. She groped my thigh as I started the car. We waved at Grandma as we pulled out and I suddenly realized that maybe we weren’t doing as good of a job of hiding things as I’d thought we were. Grandma was smiling – with that knowing look she always had – and I smiled and returned her wave – we all did.
Sitting on the other side of her mother, Kasey cleared her throat and said, “We still kind of owe her for removing Grandma Williams from the equation on our wedding day.”
“What are you thinking?” I asked her.
“I don’t know yet – I’m still working on it,” she replied.
I laughed and she asked me what I’d thought of.
“Find a way to trap dad at her house for the day and she’ll go crazy. She’s always badgering him that he never visits.”
My feisty bride put her finger to her lips and her brain started chugging. I left her to it and begged a kiss from the MILF cuddled up next to me. Kasey objected, loudly, when I ventured onto the rumble-strips – along the side of the road – as I made out with her mother – and we had to stop.
By the time we got home, she had rubbed me enough that I was rock-hard. We headed directly to the bedroom and pretty much repeated the previous night’s events. I fucked Kelsey full of baby-batter, she sucked me hard, and I fucked Kasey senseless. The only difference was that – this time – I took Kasey from behind – her ass slapping against my groin – as I pounded into her. I didn’t cum this time – but she collapsed onto her face when I finally let her go – after three climaxes. I shut off the light, climbed between my lovers, gave them both kisses, and immediately fell asleep.
~~~ Sunday ~~~
We did laundry again – replacing the soiled bed-sheets, aired out the room once more, and dressed for church. We hadn’t packed any more boxes – so there was nothing to haul to mom & dad’s.
The minister talked about loving our neighbors and Kasey whispered that they could find their own lovers because she wasn’t sharing with anybody else. Her mother snickered. One of the old ladies, two rows up, shushed us. I thought mom would be after us too but – for some reason – the old woman’s admonishment got mom tickled and she was fighting a fit of the giggles. She got it straightened out when one of the other old gals huffed at her. I was going to quirk an eyebrow at her and give her the stink-eye – but I decided she was giggly enough that it might set her off again – so I opted to be a good boy – for once.
We took mom to Mexican and then came back to her house to play cards. The doorbell rang and mom went to see who it was – and then hollered for us to come to the front room. Mr. Winkler was handing over the keys. He said he needed to get to his new location – and that he had no concerns about things proceeding flawlessly – so we were free to move in whenever we wanted. He gave us his new address – and told us he’d already submitted his update to the Post Office – so there really shouldn’t be anything showing up in the mail that needed to be handled. Kasey & I shook his hand and thanked him. He walked out to a rental truck, climbed in, and headed out of the cul-de-sac – towing his car behind.
We went back to playing cards and discussed the change of events. None of us could think of a reason not to start moving. The only challenge, really, was trying to avoid messing with Betty’s train of clients coming through to see #24.
We decided to take a break from the game and went to look through the Hobbit Hole – as I’d taken to calling the place. Mr. Winkler had left the appliances – as well as a broom and mop. Everything else was pretty tidy. It didn’t look like we were going to need to do any cleaning or repairs before we started moving in. The girls picked their rooms. We decided those could probably use a coat of paint. Mom offered to help me Monday night if I stopped to grab the materials. Kasey and her mom decided the third bedroom should be a nursery. She texted me the colors I was supposed to pick up. The fourth bedroom would be left as it was for now – and would, likely, be my computer room – at least for the time-being.
I called in a pizza and some poppers while Kasey set up the rental truck – and reserved four strong bodies to move furniture. The helpers wouldn’t cost that much – and we’d be out of #24 in one night – rather than having to carry stuff over several days if it was just us. We decided to go with Wednesday night – because we’d had two showings on Thursday night this last week – and were hoping to be out before things got busy again.
After we ate our pizza, the women in my life were tired of cards – and decided to watch The Proposal – for the 4,001st time – since it was also one of my mom’s favorites.
I jumped in the car and ran to the home improvement store to get the paint and all of the supplies I was going to need.
By the time they finished the movie, I had everything taped off in the three rooms that mom and I would be painting the next night.
When we got home, Kelsey wanted me to fuck her doggie-style. I held her hips and fucked her hard – pouring all of my seed into her. Her daughter got onto all-fours as I pulled out of her mother and I stroked my slimy cock a couple times and shoved it into her waiting pussy. It hardened up pretty quickly with the way her snatch was grasping at me and I was soon powering her through a couple orgasms as well.
Her mother was nice enough to offer to lick & suck me clean afterwards – so I let her. I kissed them both, shut off the light, and we cuddled together to fall asleep.
~~~ Monday ~~~
My classes were a blur. Kasey poked me a couple times because I was busy – thinking about all the stuff we needed to move – and wasn’t paying attention to the instructor. She finally laid her hand along the inside of my thigh, teasing me now & then, and I was much more focused.
I called mom when I was headed that way and she met me at the Hobbit Hole. I looked at her clothes and realized I hadn’t brought anything to change into. She laughed and threw one of dad’s old shirts at me. At least one of us had their mind on the job-at-hand.
Mom’s better at the trim than I am – so she covered the edges & corners – and I hit the wide surfaces. By the end of the night, we had a good first coat on everything. I planned to swing by Tuesday afternoon – to check things over – and maybe throw on a second coat – before I headed to Pop’s.
By the time I got home, dinner was put up. My wives had expected me to eat with mom – but we’d gotten busy with the painting and hadn’t taken a dinner break.
They made up for it by feeding me some pussy – and informing me that Aunt Betty had called. The bidding war had started – and we had three families who were serious enough to make offers. If the first one fell through, we had two contingencies. Based on all of that, the bank had started the paperwork for the loan.
Kasey sat on my face and her mother sat on my cock – both of them facing my head. Since Kelsey couldn’t reach my shoulders to hang on to ride me – she held her daughter’s waist. That made eating her snatch a little more interesting – but we made it work.
Kasey nearly drowned me when her pussy squirted – and I had to work overtime to clean up the mess. Meanwhile, her mother was frantically fucking herself on my cock. As soon as Kasey was sated, her mother shoved her to the side, and leaned forward to kiss me as she rode my cock. I gave her the kisses she needed, abused her dangling desirables, and then flipped her onto her back to give her the fucking she was really wanting.
I lifted her ankles into the air – side-by-side – and shoved my prick in & out of her clasping cunt – slapping my sac against her ass with each thrust. Her channel clenched on me and I powered through it – continuing to punish her pussy. She gasped and growled. Once that crescendo had passed, she was back to calling out for me to fill her. My balls finally reached their limit and I drove in deep to pump her full once more. She pinched her nipples and keened as she felt my molten seed pour inside of her.
~~~ Tuesday ~~~
As soon as I was out of class, I stopped by the Hobbit Hole to check our progress. Mom came over as soon as she saw me pull up. We decided to go ahead and hit everything a second time – even though it was looking pretty good. Given that it was already dry when I had arrived, everything should be ready when we moved the furniture the next day. I turned on a fan in the hall – to keep air moving – and realized that we needed to call to get the utilities switched over. I texted Kasey to ask her to do that – since everything was in her name.
When I got home from Pop’s, the sign in the front yard said “Sale Pending” – and the girls had Gas Station Sushi for me – to make up for the previous night’s mix-up. I gave them both kisses and dug into my food.
We did homework until bedtime and then I fucked them both – giving Kelsey another healthy load of awesome-sauce – before giving Kasey a little relief.
~~~ Wednesday ~~~
After classes, I ran to get the rental truck – while Kasey headed home to box up the rest of what needed to be packed. The hired-hands showed up – right on time – and we put them to work – loading the truck with the boxes and the furniture.
Kelsey arrived after the bedrooms were cleared and we started looking over what needed to be cleaned. It was going to be more than we could handle. We called Aunt Betty and she gave us a number for a lady she used a lot. We called the woman and she said she’d have two gals over first thing in the morning.
An hour later, the house was empty. I gave the hired-muscle the address for the Hobbit Hole – in case we got separated – and then I hopped into the truck to head that way. Kelsey drove my car – while Kasey drove hers – and the convoy headed across town.
Two hours later, everything was sitting in the rooms it should be in – with the exception of the boxes from mom’s house – which were all stacked in the front room. The mercenaries had helped me move those as well – but – with everything still needing shuffled around – we were reticent to shove any more items into the rooms that weren’t quite situated.
We dismissed the helpers and mom brought over sandwiches. We collapsed onto the couch and enjoyed the food – and the break.
By the time we were ready to crash for the night, the beds and the other furniture were all where they needed to be – but the sheets were still in a box or tote somewhere.
We found a box of throws and got them out. We shut off the lights and snuggled together on the couch – looking out over the manicured yard – on the cul-de-sac – and down the street.
We were soon embroiled in a 3-way make-out session and I was groping naked breasts & pussies with both hands as my lovers assaulted my face and my genitals.
Kelsey’s experienced hand was stroking my stiff cock and she growled at me to scooch my butt out a little so she could climb on.
I continued kissing every mouth that came into range – and pinching, pulling, and groping every breasts I could fondle – as Kelsey rode my cock. I latched my left hand onto her ass-cheek and gripped – helping her slam her hot cunt onto my sex. My right hand slithered between Kasey’s legs and my fingers went to work on all of her naughty bits. Between our feverish kisses and my busy hands, Kasey was panting & moaning. Her mother was groaning & growling.
When I was ready to spew, I grabbed Kelsey’s hips in both hands, and pounded into her until I was cumming. I rolled us to my left – laying her at one end of the couch – bunching up a throw to shove under her flawless ass – and tossing another on top of her.
I turned around to find her daughter laying back on the other arm – with her legs spread wide – inviting me in. I attacked her mouth first. We were both in heat. Somehow – in this new place – I was determined to breed both of my women. She seemed to have the same idea. We made-out until my cock was aching again and then I skewered her sex with my slimy sword. I grabbed her hips, pulled her pussy up to meet me, and fucked her mercilessly. Her fingers were gripping my wrists as I powered my cock in & out of her tight channel. We were both moaning & groaning.
Just before her vagina clamped down on my prick, she cooed, “I want a baby, too, Reggie.”
Her words – and her body reacting – finished me – and I growled as I pumped a load into her that felt almost as big as the one I’d dumped into her mother a couple minutes earlier.
When I finished, I stuck a throw under her cute little butt as well – and threw another on top of her.
Kelsey was already snoring so I wiped my sloppy dick with my discarded underwear and grabbed a throw to carry with me to crash in the recliner.
I leaned the chair back, took one last look at my two beautiful, sated lovers, and closed my eyes.
~~~ Thursday ~~~
I hurried over to #24 and hung out there until the cleaning ladies appeared. Once they were on the job, I headed for school.
After class, I returned the truck to the rental place. Kasey pulled up as I was finishing the paperwork, I jumped in, and we stopped by the police station to update the Order of Protection. From there we dropped by #24 to make sure we’d gotten what we’d paid for. The place was spotless. Kasey called the lady back to tell them we were super-pleased. We stopped at Pop’s to grab wings & poppers and I begged off my shift. Mack grumbled – but was happy to hear that we’d completed the move – so he didn’t gnash his teeth at me for too long. By the time I left, the rest of the employees had started a pool on how long it would take before “The Hag” would find the new house. I threw $10 in to sweeten the pot.
We swung by #24 one last time to grab Kelsey’s beater. Kasey followed me in her car and we headed back to the Hobbit Hole to eat, start getting all the bits & pieces where they needed to be, and do a little homework.
We only had the bed made in Kelsey’s room by the time we ran out of energy. I lay on my back in the middle of the bed – sharing kisses with my cheerleader wife – as my temporary-principal wife slowly rode my cock. We talked about whether or not we really needed to set up Kasey’s bedroom. When I mentioned that one or both of them usually left a larger wet-spot on the sheets than I did, they decided maybe we’d make that the next priority. There was still a stain or two on the couch – from the previous night – that we needed to deal with.
Since Kelsey’s bedroom was the “master” – with the attached bathroom – we would, most likely, spend the majority of our nights there.
Once my mother-in-law had extracted a load from me, my daughter-in-law climbed on and ground her vulva on me until my penis was hard enough to service her. She got a climax, kissed me lovingly, and fell asleep with my dick still stuffed inside of her.
~~~ Friday ~~~
When Kasey’s alarm went off, we realized how dark the bedroom was. The only light coming into the room was from the open door to the hallway – and that wasn’t much. If that door had been closed, there would be almost none. That was, obviously, one of the downsides – or upsides, depending on how you looked at it – of the Hobbit Hole. The other advantage was that we could – at least until there were kids around – be about as loud as we wanted during sex – and nobody was going to hear us. Delivering pizzas, I knew that people on the street often heard more going on – inside of houses – than the people in those houses knew. If they had known, they (surely) would have been quieter.
The new shower was slightly larger. I jumped in with Kasey and only got swatted twice for “helping”. Kelsey heard the commotion and came in to keep me occupied while her daughter finished getting ready.
I picked her up, sandwiched her sexy figure between the cold shower wall and my body, and pumped a load of cock-snot into her – before we scrubbed each other clean to scramble out the door. It’s a good thing we didn’t have as far to travel now – because we had definitely taken too long in the shower. Kasey just shook her head at me as I slid into my seat – just after the bell – with my hair still wet. She reached over to squeeze my slumbering penis and snickered at me.
At the end of the day – as we walked to our cars – Kasey mentioned that one of the girls from Spanish class had played part of an audio recording of our girls-bathroom rendezvous for her – and was asking when they could get a replay. Kasey was a little worried that one or two of them might be plotting to find a way to get the Spanish teacher to miss class again – to give us another free period with which to occupy ourselves.
When Kelsey got home, we waited for her to change her clothes to something a little more casual, and then we headed for Benny’s – where Aunt Betty had a booth – and Cindy had already prepared our favorite shakes.
“The offer for you to consider,” she told us, “is 10% higher than your asking price. I can tell you that they’re already pre-approved for the amount, from their bank, and I expect no delays or difficulties in that regard.”
“Hold-backs?” Kasey inquired.
“They’re happy with the inspection and aren’t asking for anything,” she replied.
“Any reason not to jump on this with both feet?” I asked.
“None that I know of,” she said, smiling.
Kasey was bouncing in her seat.
“Am I to assume that I should tell them you wish to accept the offer?” Betty asked.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Kasey cried, throwing her arms around me, and pulling me over for a lusty kiss.
Under the table, her mom’s foot was pressed against my growing hard-on – growing because she’d been giving me a foot-job almost since the moment we sat down. I live with succubi.
“I have a couple papers for you to look over and sign,” she told us, “and then I think my brother has already started preparing your usual orders – which should be coming out any minute – my treat, of course. This was almost too simple.”
“.. but you still wish we’d run the Hobbit Hole through you as well?” I asked, grinning.
“Of course,” she replied, grinning as well.
Kasey finished the paperwork just as Cindy came out with the food – and extra shakes in Styrofoam cups so we could take them home. I was as full as a tick by the time we waddled to the car to head to the Hobbit Hole.
As soon as we were in the door, my mother-in-law directed me to get her daughter naked, smash her tight little body against the nearest wall, and fuck a baby into her.
Since my two lovers’ ovulation & menstruation cycles were now synchronized, Kasey probably wasn’t ovulating – and she was still on the pill – but I understood the directive – Kasey needed a load of my seed in her belly in celebration of the countdown to being out from under Grandma Williams’ thumb. In a little over four weeks, the old bat would have no hold on us.
I asked my lithe lover where she wanted to do this and – although she wasn’t looking forward to the cold walls of the shower – she was determined that I was supposed to fuck her until she squirted – at least once – and she didn’t want to have to clean the rugs – again – so we stripped, I picked her up, mounted her on my cock, and carried her in – enduring kisses & a grinding twat – to get the water the right temperature – before I could mash her sexy self against the shower wall and breed her.
She was already frenzied by the time I tucked my elbows under her knees and spread her naughty bits wide so that I could abuse them. I pulled my dick out of her churning pussy and – using it like a cattle-prod – I poked, rubbed, and bumped every part of her vulva – rubbing all around her clitoris – and up & down her slit – across her taint – rimming around her entrance – and back up to abuse her clit again. I didn’t shove it back in until she was growling at me.
I fucked her hard until she came the first time – spritzing me a little. After that, I ran my fingers through her female-spend and rubbed it into her clit as I continued to fuck her. She moaned and whined – and came again. I got my right arm back under her left knee – opening her up, fully, once more – bit down on the edge of her jaw – and fucked her hard. Her moaning & whining intensified and I pounded her until her body started trembling – and her channel clenched – and her pussy squirted. I shoved my aching dick as far into her as it would go – and started pumping her full of my seed – releasing my grip on her jaw – and whispering in her ear that – more than anything in the world – I wanted to knock her up. She pulled my face over – attacking my mouth – kissing me until I was out of breath.
We rinsed off the ejaculate that had escaped, dabbed ourselves dry, and then I carried her – like a new bride – to the bed. I held her in my arms and her mother wrapped herself around my back – kissing my neck & nibbling my ear. Her hand was on my thigh – reminding me that she wanted my next load. I closed my eyes and I was asleep.
~~~ Saturday ~~~
I awoke to my second wife riding my morning wood – trying to coax a hot breakfast from me before we went to help my mom feed the cuties at the zoo again. Kasey grumbled something about her mother being a horny slut and then trudged off to the shower – leaving the two of us to fuck in peace. I flipped her mother onto her back and attacked her lips & pussy – giving her what she wanted. Our fertility window was closing for this cycle – and it would be another three weeks or so before we could start again.
I carried the hot MILF – still stuffed onto my cock – into the steamy shower – shortly after my first wife left to get dressed. Soon, we were in the car, headed for the zoo – where our badges got us inside, once again, without being challenged.
After we spent the morning catching up on cuddles with the various zoo cuties, we took mom to Mexican – where we finished updating her on news for the house-swap. We dropped her back off to her car and headed to the store for groceries and a few supplies.
Once everything was put away, Kasey talked us into going to the school so she could swim laps. Her mother and I only lasted through a half-dozen and then we sat on a bench and made out while she swam.
We got a little carried away and, soon, she had the bottoms of her pink bikini pulled to the side – with my anxious dick buried inside of her treacherous trench. She whispered, “Don’t cum. I’ll take you to my office and blow you when we’re done.”
I fought against the images in my mind – anticipating the erotic oral scene that I had requested – and my older wife’s pussy wringing the shit out of my cock-meat. I pulled her top up and gnawed on her fabulous breasts. When she started panting – and her pussy was clenching on me – I thought I had escaped, unscathed – only to realize that her daughter was standing behind her, dripping wet, waiting for her turn.
As soon as Kelsey climbed off, Kasey climbed on – and I was hanging on for dear life. I don’t really know how long it usually takes the wicked little vixen to cum when we’re fucking – but I swear she was stretching it out to get me to nut inside of her. My moaning and writhing only made her ride me harder. I was gripping her ass-cheeks in my palms – undoubtedly leaving bruises – trying to tell my testicles that there was nothing to get worked up about.
My hot little cheerleader finally grunted – and her pussy sprayed me – and I just about lost it again. I swear there were teeth-marks on my tongue and the insides of my cheeks from trying to use pain to distract myself.
The mermaid succubus gave me a nut-wrenching kiss – in thanks – and then dove back into the pool to finish her laps. Her mother stepped up and wrapped her arms around me and I groaned. Her fabulous fun-bags were smashed against my chest – and she hadn’t pulled the top back down yet – so her nipples were tracing erotic tattoos across my pecs as she kissed me hard enough to have my testicles aching.
I finally told her that – if we were going to do this – we needed to go – before I threw her onto the pool deck and flooded her pussy.
She giggled, fixed her top, and the two of us walked hand-in-hand – in our swimsuits – to her office. If anybody but her saw this camera footage, they were going to wonder why the building administrator was escorting a former student – with a massive hard-on – into her private office. Actually, they wouldn’t have to wonder – it would be pretty fucking obvious.
I stood in front of her chair and whimpered as she locked her lips onto mine, once more, and dragged my swimsuit to my ankles. Her tiny pink bikini lay, discarded, on the desk, behind her. I caught a glimpse of her shaved pussy as she crawled under the desk and got situated. As I scooted the chair forward, I warned her that this would be brief.
I felt the molten heat of her hot mouth envelope my cock-head and it was over. She barely got the nozzle of my firehose shoved down her throat before gallons-upon-gallons of semen gushed forward. She held my phallus deep in her throat until the pulses stopped – and then pulled off to start sucking & licking me.
I was sure there were no fluids left in my body – but my lusty lover was determined to find more. By the time she had sucked, licked, and stroked me long enough to get me to cum again, Kasey had arrived with our things and was hunched over me – alternately feeding me her lips and her taut titties. As soon as Kelsey took my second load, she was ready to get out from under the desk. I hugged her nakedness to mine and kissed her. I would have gladly given her another orgasm but my dick had gone into hibernation.
We stopped by the taco truck on the way home. (They even gave Kelsey a couple Jarritos and a little bottle of tequila to go.) We ate (and drank) and worked on homework.
Kelsey warned me that the interim-principal would be around a little more often now – since she had made enough progress in her classes that she was ready for mentoring – and that we wouldn’t be able to be as free with our school escapades as we had been. I gave her a puppy-dog face and she came over to sit on my lap. My penis was interested – but my testicles were still snoring.
At bedtime, we kissed & cuddled and fell asleep.
~~~ Sunday ~~~
Sunday’s sermon was “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” – and – of course – my two companions started making motions like they were giving me head. Apparently, tonight was going to be all-oral. That was fine with me. Between the two of them, they’d just about killed me, the previous day, at the school, and I was more than happy to nibble their bits until they showered my face with their gratitude. Somehow, oral always got them cumming hard. I shoved my hard-on away as we stood up to leave – and greet Pastor John on the way out.
We were sitting at KFC, with mom – and dad – who was home for once – when Mrs. Jordan texted Kelsey to say that a seemingly very-confused older woman – in a white Lincoln Continental – had staked-out #24 Mulberry Street – trying to figure out where we had disappeared to. The message included a picture of her – parked in the drive – standing in the yard.
Kelsey forwarded it to me – and I passed it along to the police officer who’d been dealing with the situation all along. He replied that he would add it to the file.
Since dad was home, we went over – after lunch to play cards. By the middle of the afternoon, Kasey informed all of us that we were treating them to dinner – at a cozy little place she had discovered. Mom tried to get the details out of her – but she said it was a surprise.
Two hours later, mom & dad climbed into the backseat of my car and we headed off. Kasey grabbed my phone, entered the address, and held it so that I could follow the turn-by-turn instructions. As soon as we drove onto Grandma Mitchell’s street, dad knew he’d been had.
I pulled into the drive and all three women dragged him out of the car and up the steps – into the arms of his mother – who was waiting – wearing an apron that was splattered with the remnants of the meal she & Kasey had planned all afternoon.
We made him say grace – and tell his mother how nice it was to see her – and give her cheek-kisses – and play Uno.
He and I ate most of the oatmeal cookies – so gooey and buttery and warm that they melted like ice cream in your mouth. I hadn’t known they were his favorites but – of course – his mom did. They were immediately my new favorite as well.
On the steps, after hugs & kisses – as we were heading to the car – dad grumbled about the whole nefarious plot, vowing that it would be a long time before he was home again. I laughed so hard that I collapsed to the ground as four women surrounded him with angry looks on their faces – and violence in their eyes.
My younger wife summed it up for him: he was lucky to have a mom as kind & giving as his – whose only requests were personal visits – and who always spoiled us with good food – and that he’d better take advantage of every chance he had to spend time with her before she wasn’t around anymore.
He apologized – to his mother first – wrapping her up in a hug – and then to the rest of us – still holding Grandma Mitchell in his arms. He gave her a little peck on the lips and she hugged him tightly before allowing him to go.
Grandma then wrapped Kasey in a hug and gave her cheek kisses, whispering her thanks.
As we drove back to their house, mom hugged dad close in the backseat.
When we arrived, Kasey asked dad if he’d like to stop over and visit the Hobbit Hole. We spent the next half-hour taking him on a tour. His eyebrows raised a little when he saw the nursery. Without being told what the room would be, it was obvious that he had looked at the color-scheme and figured it out.
Once our visitors were headed back to their home – next door – the lights went out – and the bath towels covered the couch – and two sexy women sat – side-by-side – holding hands – as I dropped to my knees to worship their bodies.
Using every weapon in my arsenal, I worked – first on my daughter-in-law – bringing her to a wet orgasm – and then on my mother-in-law – accomplishing the same result – and then I switched back to begin the cycle anew.
Once they were both sated, they had me lay sideway on the couch. Kasey crawled between my knees, grabbed a hold of my ass-cheeks, and started licking my balls & cock. If I hadn’t been a stiff as a missile before, I definitely was now. Her mother knelt beside me and leaned over to destroy me with kisses. Her fingers teased my chest as she kissed me to death. The stimulation the two of them were creating had my body tense – trying to process everything.
Kelsey too my hand, pressed it to her breast, and squeezed my fingers on her. My lips & mouth were buzzing, my balls were churning, and my cock was aching.
“He’s ready,” Kasey called – as she felt my nuts tighten.
Kasey sucked my nuts into her mouth as her mother switched from my lips to my cock – and suctioned me into her throat – quickly bobbing her head as she fucked her esophagus with my penis. The intense stimulation detonated inside of my brain – and my cock started blasting my seed down her throat.
When the aftershocks stopped, she pulled off, sucked & licked me dry, and gave her daughter a kiss – their two faces rubbing against my weary genitals. They each stood, helped me up, and escorted me to the master bedroom – where we tumbled into a happy pile.