I was 24 years old and recently out of a relationship. I thought Jon and I would be together forever, especially when I look back on the moments we shared. Watching NBA basketball, gym workouts, walking around the pond, playing chess, watching favorite tv shows name a few of our activities together.
At age 40, Jon Lafferty is a physically fit, strikingly handsome six-footer. His black hair frames a square face. Those brown eyes captivated me the instant I saw him for the first time.
We had a year together. I was happy right up until the moment that he told me that I mean nothing to him. Shocked by his words, I gave him a long hard look. Unshed tears welled up in my eyes even as I shouted “You’re a JERK.” I had stormed out of his apartment letting out the tears as I exited the building.
My dear friend for years Joann Kent walked along side me on the trail through the woodlands. The early-afternoon sun warmed the temperature to 85 degrees on that spring afternoon. An owl perched on thick branch roughly halfway up a maple tree. A squirrel dashed across the path into the woods.
Joann and I had a sad breakup after a brief romance when we were 16. I came out to her. Tears streamed down her face on a Friday evening as she stormed out of my man cave, the basement room where I hung out and sometimes brought friends. In the days that followed she came to accept me and we gradually rebuilt the friendship.
Back in the day I was on the football team and she on the cheerleader squad. Being a jock with her as a girlfriend made the perfect cover.
“I know how you felt that night,” I said.
She didn’t reply.
“It (the relationship) felt so right.”
“Steven you’re a good guy. Any man would love to have you in a relationship.”
“It hurts.”
“I know.” I could hear the empathy and sympathy in her tone.
We walked further, this time taking a turn back toward the asphalt trail along the water. As the pond came into view we engaged each other in small talk.
“What’s the problem with the Patriots?”
“A lot of issues,” I replied. “Where does one even begin?”
“They’ve fallen a long way”
“They have,” I agreed.
We chatted about the league in general.
She changed the subject.
“It’s so pretty by this section.”
. ”It is,” I replied recalling the walks I used to take with Jon.
She added, “and enjoyable exercise as well.”
Like me, Jo Kent maintains a toned body. She can be seen at the squat rack doing sets of ten repetitions. A sports bra and leggings accentuate her firm body. Though gay, I can appreciate a thin shapely female figure.
“I own a dildo,” she quipped.
The unexpected remark prompted me to ask, “since when.”
“Since always. I got it after you and I broke up.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be better in bed.”
She waved off my apology.
“Don’t be sorry.”
“Jon was good between the sheets.”
She giggled. “I bet.”
In the days that followed the pain of losing my boyfriend was keeping me from seeking a new man. Though spending time with Joann, I did not deceive myself.
Little did I know what she had in store for me on a Monday after work. Minutes after 4 o’clock she stepped aside letting me into her apartment. I made myself comfortable on her sofa and we chatted about movies, actors, TV shows and even my defunct relationship.
She rose from her seat ostensibly to go to the toilet but returned a minute later holding a six-inch long flesh tone dildo at her eye level.
“Imagine your ex boyfriend and get naked.”
I chucked. “Those were the good old days.”
“Get naked so I can watch you masturbate.”
I let the remark go over my head. She knows I’m not a fan of vagina.
“You know you want this.”
“From a real boy,” I replied.
“Pretend I am a boy.”
“Did you ever put that to use?”
“Only when I watch porn,” she replied.
I nodded.
Jo left the livingroom and returned seconds later with her lap top which she placed on the coffee table. Her fingers touched the keys and barely a minute later a website that I know well opened.
Several photos of naked men filled the screen.
“Do you see anyone you like, or makes you jerk off?”
I did not reply nor did I take my eyes from the monitor.
“What’s your pleasure, masturbation video or sex video?”
“Either is fine,” I replied.
I watched her manipulate the device. When she moved away after a few seconds a masturbation video was playing.
“It appears to be having the desired effect.” She commented as she looked at the telltale bulge in my pants.
“Masturbate for me,” she commanded as the guy in the video ejaculated.
Another masturbation video started, this one making me shed my clothes.
I went onto my hands and knees putting my face on the cushion. Jo’s hand found my butt cheek and the dildo penetrated deep touching my prostate.
I let out soft moans of pleasure as my imagination went to work creating Jon’s penis.
My right hand wrapped around the six-inch shaft rubbing it repeatedly. As the dildo slid back and forth inside me my groans grew louder.
A few minutes elapsed then my climax happened. She withdrew the dildo as I let out one final “AHHHHH”.
“Was it good?”
“Yah,” I said with a smiling nod.
“Anytime I can help you get over him just ask me.”
I moved back onto the sofa but remained naked stroking my still erect organ. Joann, who hadn’t undressed, settled by my side.
As the days passed I gave my undivided attention to my job taking X rays. In a way it proved to be therapeutic.
I spent my coffee and lunch breaks chatting with friendly coworkers keeping my mind off my X boyfriend.
At lunch one day a couple of weeks after the escape with the dildo my phone vibrated into the table. Caller Id indicated Joann Kent.
“What’s up?”
“Just thought I’d call,” she said. “I took a day off today.”
“It’s been busy here at the hospital but I prefer days like this.”
We chatted until I had to end the call and return to Radiology.