New neighbors are always of interest, Some more than others. Pam and I are still friends today!
Arriving home from work last Friday, I noticed several trucks unloading furniture and boxes down the street. The house that had been vacant for a month or so looked to have new occupants.
I was acquainted with the elderly spinster, Nona, who lived next door to the newcomers. We had known each other for the two years I had lived here. She was constantly attempting to find someone for me to date, so it was no surprise when she called Saturday morning to spread the neighborhood gossip.
“I have a new neighbor! A divorcee!”
“I wondered when you would send the good news.”
“She is a teacher, thirty years old, recently divorced with no children, just a cocker spaniel. You should meet her!”
My curiosity was captivated. I had always heard rumors that divorcees were often sex-starved. This might provide my first opportunity to investigate.
Nona could not wait, asking me to come over immediately. I agreed to stop by and say hello to our new neighbor.
Pam was five feet three inches tall, with beautiful blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin. She appeared to own a pair of medium size breasts and an extra twenty pounds clinging to her hips. Her voice possessed a somewhat raspy coarse tone which was not what I had expected; she claimed it presented authority to her students. Her smile was contagious. She was charming and seemed excited to meet me. Her Maggie dog indeed was.
Pam was not someone I would have sought to date, but I needed to figure out why. I was intrigued to discover if the rumors I had heard held any truth. Our visit was cordial, being escorted by the neighborhood busybody.
Several days later, Pam called, inviting me to dinner, spaghetti. Being single, it was rare that I missed an invitation for food and the possibility to learn more about my new neighbor.
We had an enjoyable evening getting to know the basics about each other. Pam discussed some of the details of her recent divorce. This was her first marriage; he was a professional counselor at the local college and spent most of his time at work.
“I felt sorry for him working so late, so I made dinner and brought it to his office one evening. I knocked and knocked on the door, thinking he had fallen asleep or something. After several minutes, someone finally answered; just a minute!”
“When the door finally opened, I realized his secretary was included in his work! So here I am in my new home down the street from you. He was the one you saw that moved me. He wanted me to stay married while he entertained a girlfriend!”
A week later, I decided to reciprocate and invited Pam over for dinner. My oven-prepared cuisine was elementary bachelor’s food. She wore a pair of shorts and a pullover shirt. We spent the next part of the evening enjoying a glass of wine, watching TV, and getting to know each other better.
As the sun set, I decided to move, stealthily reaching to hold her hand. She gladly accepted, gripped it mightily, and snuggled next to me. As the evening progressed, our interest moved to necking and kissing. Being a single male on auto-pilot, my hand quickly slipped toward her groin.
She shuddered at the touch of my fingers, inspecting and petting her through her shorts, immediately adjusting her position to give me better access.
My dick came to life immediately as my fingers roamed the warm, sensitive spot. I could feel my sperm getting organized as my hardness rose to the edge of my Fruit-of-the-Looms.
Pam quickly became aroused; her movements and body language confirmed that she was enjoying my actions. Slipping out of her shorts, she moved over and sat on my lap, cradling the hardness that was now peeking out of my underwear. Breathing heavily, she centered the bouquet of pubic hair tucked neatly behind her liquid-laden panties and rocked back and forth as she attempted to scratch the troublesome itch.
The rumors I had heard seemed to have substance; Pam was well on the way to proving these when she abruptly jumped up.
“I can’t do this! I’m sorry.” She got off me, pulled her shorts back on, and dashed out my door, leaving my throbbing phallus in agony.
I was devastated and in severe distress. I withdrew my man and jerked a pint of liquid out in retribution.
“I guess this night was not meant to be.”
Several days later, as the sun began setting, I heard a knock on the door. Startled by the rare occurrence, I stood up and answered the knock.
Pam was standing outside on my porch, stark-naked, quite nervous.
“Are you going to invite me in?”
“Sure, come in. Where are your clothes?”
“I left them at my house.”
“You walked down the street naked.”
“Yes, I did! I want to be fucked, which does not require any clothes!”
I was astounded by her boldness.
Pam ripped my clothes off, throwing me down to the floor immediately. My penis instantly inflated to maximum stiffness as she straddled me, lowering herself until she hit bottom. It was evident her body was prepared; I easily slid into her warm moist pussy as she winced with pleasure. I gladly grabbed a handful of her soft, supple breasts, inspecting them thoroughly.
“You feel so good; I have been dreaming about your dick for days. It’s bigger than I remember; it rubs all the right spots.”
Suddenly her entire body spasmed. Every muscle in her love channel rippled with excitement as she pounced back and forth, feeding the hungry female organ.
Several unfamiliar growls escaped as her orgasm ensued. “Ahhhhhhhhh, I’mmm….. going to…. explode!”
I had never witnessed anyone reach this level of ecstasy.
Teetering on top of my wanting demon, her reservoir burst forth, releasing a torrent covering my shaft and oozing all over me. Her vaginal muscles contracted around me in reassurance, each slight movement ordering additional lubricant.
Pam was in a trance at the pinnacle of ecstasy; her body was not ready to abandon this mountain of pleasure. She shook continuously as the lingering seeps of sex made their way out of her.
We awoke the following morning, cradling each other in bed.
I was curious why her ex-husband would want to seek comfort with others. “I can’t imagine your ex not enjoying sex like that. I noticed he has stopped by several times lately.”
“Oh, yes. He is constantly bringing things I forgot, especially my house plants, or he is probably interested in spying on me, which is weird.”
“Sounds like it.?”
“I have never orgasmed from intercourse; you are the first. I have never felt anything so good. This never happened with my ex-husband.”
“What? This is crazy!”
“You are only the second person I have had sex with, so my experience is minimal. Intimate time with my ex was mostly spent as he wanted, always requesting me to dress in slutty outfits he provided and parade around the room. He wanted me to masturbate as he watched and jerked off. It usually only took three minutes for him; I was left to finish myself as he watched, which did nothing for me. I guess he was much more of a voyeur than I realized. For some strange reason, I thought this was what most people’s sex life was like.”
“What? That’s not normal!”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I could probably count the few rare times we had intercourse, which again only lasted minutes. I have never experienced a feeling like I had with you inside me; your dick is amazing, and it fits me perfectly.”
I could hardly believe what I had just heard. Pam had discovered an unknown part of her that had just been awakened, achieving orgasm from intercourse, one that she had no intention of doing without ever again.
She jumped up and kissed me. “I must go and get ready for work. See you tonight?”
“OK, I will come over after work. Do you want something to wear to walk home?”
“Nope, I walked over here naked, and I am walking home naked! I have wasted nine years attempting to please a nut; I have no plans to ever waste my life like that again.”
“Having an orgasm during sex with you was amazing!”
I watched as she walked down the street to her house, smiling the entire way. Her boldness and purpose were inspiring; I had never seen a naked lady walking outside. A new life was underway for Pam.
The following Saturday, we planned a visit to a local lake’s picnic area in the country. I agreed to pick her up at 9:00 AM. As I approached her door, an excited Maggie dog ran out, tail wagging, jumping all over me and licking me.
Pam followed, wearing sandals, a sun hat, and sun shades, carrying a large bag with a blanket, snacks, and lotion, stark-naked!
Smiling from ear to ear, she kissed me and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go!”
“You are going nude?”
“Sure am; no need for clothes today!”
This did not go unnoticed by the neighborhood busybody, who was staring in disbelief as she peered through her window. Pam waved happily to her as we stepped into my car and drove away.
Later that morning, we arrived at our destination. We selected a picnic table surrounded by tall pines and a great lake view. Pam was giddy as she opened the door. Maggie happily jumped and ran around surveying the area.
Pam walked to the front of the car, spread the blanket on the warm hood, hopped up and laid back, opened her legs, and smiled with a mischievous grin.
“I need you.”
I stood in disbelief, staring at her spread eagle on my hood at 10:30 in the morning.
“My pussy wants to feel you inside, right here, right now!”
I immediately dropped my shorts and climbed up. Grabbing her waist, I offered my hardness to her waiting warm moist cavity. That deep-throated growling I had become familiar with ensued as she grabbed my waist and forcefully pulled me into her.
“Oh God, I have missed your big dick!”
Her lubrication was well in place and provided a much-needed cushion to my pelvis’s intense slapping as I plundered the bottom of her chamber. The feeling of being penetrated outdoors under natural sunlight summoned her reservoir, responding with a fury, releasing her store as she gasped for breath, accepting the thrill of her actions and leaving fingernail marks all over my back!
Every muscle in my body tensed up as I pulled out and sprayed her with my load. She grinned as she spread the newly applied condiment around her belly while comforting her tender plundered opening with her other hand in complete satisfaction.
Our feverous carnal activity had started to draw a crowd of enthusiasts. Several studied the new local activity with serious interest as we climbed down and made our way to our table wrapped in the blanket.
We spent the rest of the day enjoying the sun and each other’s company. Not a single person complained about Pam sunning nude. I covered every inch of skin on her with sunscreen. Several picnickers wandered by inspecting the naked lady sunning; she waved at each as they quickly retreated. She had no intention of covering up; she relished her newly discovered sexual being and got a new bronze-colored tan.
I was overly impressed with a lady that would spend the entire day exposed without a care in the world; Pam was exceptional.
We arrived back at her home just before dusk. Nona had been anticipating our arrival, ensuring she had a front-row view peering from her window.
Unaffected or concerned about her nudity, Pam stepped out and walked around to kiss me goodbye, guiding Maggie dog to their door. She was happy and could care less about what her neighbors thought; she was finally in charge of her life.
I watched as Nona immediately rushed to her door as I drove off. I would like to have been a fly on the wall to hear that conversation. Later that evening, Pam called.
“Well, I thought I would update you on my visit; she was shocked by my nudity outside in front of the neighbors ranting on and on about it. I told her that I had discovered a part of me that had never before been explored and that I had also found a man that knew how to use his penis; I wouldn’t ever have to use my vibrator again. Turning beet red in color, she choked, gasping for breath, almost fainting as she stumbled back to her house.”
Pam invited me over the following Saturday evening for dinner. We enjoyed a great meal together with Maggie dog at our feet.
“I want to spend some time outside together, in the backyard.”
“Sure.” I rose to head that way when I noticed Pam undressing.
“We won’t need any clothes!”
I was in awe at her audaciousness and could not refuse as I knew it would lead to exploring her body again. The sun had set, and darkness had arrived. Pam reached over and turned on the outside light as we walked out.
“We will be in the spotlight! People will be able to see us.”
“Exactly, for all of our local voyeurs to enjoy!”
Pam laid a blanket on the grass and motioned me to join her. My insecurity about the beam of light shining on us quickly disappeared when she laid me down and stood over me. Her fair skin and blonde hair were highly reflective under the floodlights providing a perfect focus on her unwrapped torso.
She stood proudly buck-naked to alert our peeping audience that the event they were awaiting was about to begin.
Pam reached down and gently parted her lips, filling herself with my vertical hardness. Paying tribute to her sexual needs, she gyrated back and forth, awakening the sexual beast she had recently discovered. Her tender breasts accompanied her pouncing, flapping around her chest with purpose under the spotlight.
The orgasmic monster arose; muscle spasms took control of her, squeezing me harder than ever. She howled her tune, hopping up and down and feeding the raging fire burning inside her belly.
“Ahhhhhhh…..You have the best dick ever! Oh god, you feel sooooo gooood.”
She growled as the torrent of sex rushed to claim its purpose, bucking wildly for minutes. Every touch of her clit rubbing my groin launched her to the limits of orgasm, continuously sending out love juice.
The demon finally completed its journey. Pam slowly settled down, still impaled on me, cuddling my hardness continually with every adrenaline-laden muscle. To benefit our audience and show her brazenness, she rolled off, stood me up, and put her favorite tool in her mouth, seeking every drip of sex as she knelt in total control of her destiny.
I tensed up and growled. Tasting the salty seed approaching, she grabbed me, rhythmically pumping, and aimed each spurt at her euphoric flushed face.
She licked every lingering drip, pulling me into her cheeks, rubbing my penis all around her face, kissing and licking my maleness with lustful purpose.
Our sexual outdoor activity had attracted several onlookers, one we were expecting and one we were not.
Spinster Nona stood numb, eyes wide, staring wildly, hands covering her mouth at the edge of her yard, trying to digest what she had just witnessed. She suddenly realized the life she had chosen as a spinster had barred the opportunity to experience untamed raw sex as she had just seen.
Movement further back at the property line in the bushes told the story of another voyeur who was most likely still finishing up. An abrupt movement in the shadows by the side of the house drew our attention instantly.
Pam’s ex-husband was standing at the entry to her backyard, his tiny dick in his hand, feverously beating off, watching the foul deeds of his ex, covered with cum, licking every last drop of the massive penis in her hand.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh”….. squeaked out of his mouth as his prostrate instantly completed its course.
Pam released me, stood up, and walked over as he frantically attempted to tuck his thingy in his pants, “Why are you here?”
He looked down at the wilted potted plant beside his feet, “I was returning the last plant you left.”
She looked down at the plant, smiling. “Thanks.”
I walked over to observe, my stiff dick pointing straight at him. Pam reached out and grabbed my dick, leading me back to our blanket to continue our evening activities, leaving him and Nona standing there, staring at each other in shock.
I now know that it was meant for Pam and me to meet. I called Nona the very next morning to thank her for introducing us.