Tina was getting dinner together when the phone rang. She answered and it was one of her nephews calling from the hospital which sent her into a panic. Kyle assured her that Tommy was alright, but she needed to come right away. They were riding their bikes on the dirt trail and Tommy had an accident. In the process of trying to break his fall he badly injured his wrists and hands. The rest of his body was also battered and bruised but otherwise fine. His cousins and friends had gotten him to the hospital and called her soon after.

When Tina arrived at the hospital she found Tommy’s cousins and friends gathered in the waiting room. There were her sisters’ boys Kyle and Matt. And then their friends Kevin and Derek. Her sisters Marion and Julie were on their way to pick up their sons.

Kyle explained what happened while taking her to the room that Tommy was in. Tommy was laying in the bed with a simple cast on each arm. The casts went just a few inches down each wrist. He could bend his elbows and wiggle his fingers but not much else. Also he looked a little out of it. Kyle said that he had been given painkillers. Tina went to his bed side and with a concerned maternal look ran her fingers through his hair. Just then the doctor walked in.

“He’s going to be just fine, Miss Tucker. The breaks were just very small hairline fractures. Both wrists are sprained too, but he’ll heal up good as new. No physical therapy will be needed but he does need to stay in those casts for possibly ten days, but maybe less since he’s young and healthy. He’s also got significant bruising all over his body but nothing that won’t heal on its own.”

“Oh thank god. You boys and those bikes….You kids are going to give your mothers’ all heart attacks!”

“Boys will be boys, Miss Turner. You can’t grow into a man without a few scars and broken bones along the way,” chuckled the doctor.

“So does your insurance cover home health aid?”

“I….I don’t think so,” said Tina.

“Well, then there are just some things you’re going to need to figure out. Like bathing and using the bathroom. It’s going to be somewhat difficult but just remember that it’s not permanent. Everything will eventually get back to normal.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of him, doctor. Can I take him home now?”

“Of course. We gave him some painkillers that are going to make him quite tired for the rest of the day. I would just take him straight to bed and deal with everything tomorrow.”

“Will do Dr.”

She helped Tommy to get up and together they walked out to the waiting room. Her sisters had arrived and were standing around with their sons. Kevin and Derek were still there as well. They could have left earlier but once they knew all of their friends’ mothers were coming they decided to stick around. Any chance they got to see the beautiful Tucker sisters together they took it. The sisters were a trio of hot moms and were all in the Uschi Digard ballpark of beauty. All three had beautiful brown hair, high cheekbones and flawless naturally tanned complexions thanks to the quarter of Dutch they took from their mother’s side.

Julie was the oldest and the tallest at 43. She had straight light brown hair that went just barely past her shoulders with bangs. She was the athlete of the three and even though she had put on some weight after having her boy Kyle, it was evenly distributed on her 5’8″ frame. She had long shapely legs with good muscle tone. She was wearing a striped tank top and had her ample grapefruit sized boobs supported in a bra. Below she was wearing casual khaki shorts that were just shorter than mid-thigh. She had bright white flip flops on her pretty feet which contrasted nicely with her tanned skin. She always wore glasses that gave her a sexy librarian or sexy nerd vibe.

Marion was Tina’s fraternal twin at 42. She was the shortest at 5’3″ and had short brown hair that went just past her ears, which she kept in a bob cut. She was the bustiest of the sisters and had a curvy body with thick, well shaped legs. She was wearing a t-shirt that clung to her melon sized breasts and a pair of gym shorts that hugged her thick yet firm ass, and came up high on her gorgeous thick brown thighs. On her feet she was wearing red low top Chuck Taylors without socks, showing off her slim ankles.

And finally there was Tina. She was shorter than Julie but taller than Marion at 5’5″. She was busty like her sisters and built somewhere in between the two. Not as athletic as Julie or as thick as Marion but right in the middle with beautiful softball sized breasts. She had a sumptuous yet firm ass that led down to beautiful thighs, shapely calves and down to her slim ankles. Her calves were slightly flexed thanks to the three inch wedge sandals that she had on her gorgeous feet. She had a slight pooch in her otherwise flat belly that she was never able to shed after giving birth. She was not a petite girl but a full grown woman. Her 135 pounds were distributed perfectly across her frame. And like all women who are not 120 pound waifs, she was obsessed with losing that ‘stubborn’ 5 or 10 pounds. All of the boys and men in her life that would hear her complain about this secretly hoped that she was never successful. No boys or men in town wanted to see any changes to what they considered perfection.

The three sisters were incredibly close but also fiercely competitive with each other. They were typical siblings in that they fought and competed constantly, but if anyone had an issue with one of them, they soon learned they had an issue with all three. In high school, no girl wanted to ever get on the Tucker sisters’ bad side.

Tina was wearing a sleeveless blouse that had a v-neck and was buttoned down the front. While all of the buttons were fastened, because of her heavy, soft ball sized breasts, there was still plenty of cleavage to view. She was wearing a pair of grey cotton shorts that clung nicely to her thick, firm ass. The shorts and blouse weren’t particularly sexy in and of themselves, but Tina made them look sexy just like she could make a potato sack look sexy.

Tina guided Tommy to the waiting room where his aunts, cousins and friends were. Still woozy he sat in one of the chairs and talked with his cousins. Marion and Julie went up to Tina who explained what the doctor said. Kevin and Derek hung back and drank in the sight of the beautiful milfs in front of them. Just so much beautiful tit, ass and legs on display caused them to feel almost drunk.

“Guys!” Derek and Kevin’s heads snapped up from staring at the sisters’ bodies. Tina had caught them off guard.

“Thank you so much for waiting at the hospital with the boys. Both of you are such good friends to them. Do you need rides home? I’m sure one of us can take you.”

“Thanks Miss Tucker. We really appreciate that but we have our bikes and it isn’t far. We’ll be ok,” said Kevin.

“Yeah, we just wanted to make sure Tommy was ok. Plus it’s always great to see you sisters too!” said Derek, who couldn’t help but be a flirt whenever in their presence. The sisters laughed and said goodbye to them.

While walking out of the hospital Derek said, “So dude, is your spank bank fully loaded for later?”

“Oh my god Derek…..I thought I might need to find a bathroom to yank one out. So much gorgeous skin on display.”

“Talk about a MILF trifecta, Kevin. I think I’m gonna need to rub out about three or four just to get to sleep tonight. Did you hear what they were talking about? It sounds like Tina is going to have to help Tommy in the shower. Can you imagine one of the Tucker sisters rubbing soap all over you?”

“Dude shut up. I don’t want to peddle home with a hard on.”

Back at the hospital Tina finished explaining what the doctor had said.

“So you’ll need to bathe him for the next several days?” Marion asked.

“I’ll need to help him use the bathroom and take a shower. I don’t know. Maybe I should just hire a nurse.”

“That’s going to be really expensive.” Said Julie.

“This sounds like our brother Luke all over again,” said Marion. “Maybe…..”

“Shut up Marion,” snapped Tina.

“Now now! Calm down girls,” said Julie. “Let’s all go home and then Marion and I will come over to your house Tina. We can discuss this over wine.”

They all agreed and everyone headed to their respective homes. Once Tina got Tommy inside she put him straight to bed since he was still woozy from the pills. When Marion and Julie arrived they all sat around on the back patio with glasses of wine. Tina had also brought out the bottle.

“So is everyone else having a serious case of deja vu?” asked Julie.

“He is the spitting image of Luke and also our husbands,” said Marion. “All of our boys are. And we’ve always commented on that. And now Tommy needs to be taken care of just like Luke did and well……”

Tina’s face went red and she sharply said, “Enough! That was a long time ago and this is different.”

“I wonder if he also resembles Luke and our husbands in…well you know…” said Marion while pointing at her crotch.

“I said enough!” said Tina as Julie and Marion broke out in laughter. A red faced Tina couldn’t help but start to also laugh.

“You sure as hell better let us know!” said Julie.

“Oh dear god….” said Tina as all three shared another laugh and poured themselves three more glasses.

“To good ole Luke,” said Marion, raising her glass in toast. “God I miss those days.”

“Just thinking about him and our late husbands, I think I’m going to have to take care of things tonight.” All three nodded in agreement.

Let’s explain the sisters’ brother Luke, and also their late husbands.

Luke is the oldest of the four siblings. Older than Julie by one year. Since the father was out of the picture after Marion and Tina were born, Luke became the man of the house. After their loser of a father took off with a much younger woman, their mother Claire had to find work. She became a sales person for a big pharmaceutical firm and it required her to spend most weeks on the road. But she became quite successful at it. She was an absolute knockout who resembled a version of all three of her daughters, and it opened a lot of doors for her as a sales rep. She thanked the Lord for giving her such a mature and responsible oldest child, as Luke stepped in and took care of things while she was away.

Luke was 6’1″ and a strapping 190 pounds. He was a star athlete who excelled in both football and wrestling. He had short, light brown hair and naturally bronzed skin. He was extremely mature for his age because he had to be in order to help out around the house. He started working as soon as he turned 14, and after he graduated high school he went to a local college so that he could stay at home and help his mother. His maturity attracted many admirers. He was often sought out by other parents with troubled kids to help talk to them. He always knew what to say and what advice to give.

And something else about Luke. Sometimes it seemed like he was fucking half of the girls and women in town. With his good looks, bright green eyes, and confident demeanor, the ladies found him irresistible. And the ones that got his attention all soon learned something else. And that was that Luke packed a hammer. And he knew how to use it. By the time he graduated high school he had done a Sherman’s March through the cheerleading squad.

One time he injured his leg during football practice and the school trainer, a 32 year old former gymnast named Jenna, offered to help with his physical therapy after school. Within two days the therapy was extended to include Jenna bouncing up and down on his cock on the trainer’s table until she couldn’t cum any more. Even after he healed up he and Jenna would set aside time for fuck sessions during the week.

And it wasn’t just school. Luke was also mowing lawns for extra money and had assembled quite the harem of neighborhood MILFS. These were widows, divorcees, and lonely housewives who tipped him with pussy and ass for a job well done.

And his good looks and charm were not lost on his younger sisters either. All three of the Tucker girls had little crushes on their older brother. They doted on him and competed for his attention. And they were also jealous of and short with his girlfriends, of which there were many. The sisters would always chase these girls out of the house. Luke just saw it as them being protective of him and found it all very amusing.

When Luke was in college he had taken a part time job at a chemical plant, which was a good experience since he was studying chemical engineering. One day he had a bad accident and chemicals spilled onto his hands, badly burning them. He had to keep his hands in bandages for almost two weeks, requiring him to need help bathing and dressing.

Claire took a few days off in order to take care of him. Luke’s room was in the basement and he had basically converted it into his own apartment to get some privacy from his sisters. He had a couch, a tv, a bed and a full bathroom down there.

Claire would go down there a few times a day to care for Luke. In the shower Claire discovered that it was just easier to put on a bathing suit and get in there with him. The first two days she finished up quickly. But after that she took a lot longer, and the sisters’ discovered that she had started to lock the basement door behind her. And then they started to hear strange sounds from below. The sisters came to their own conclusions on just what was happening.

Claire eventually needed to get back on the road for work and explained to her daughters that they would need to step up and start helping Luke with showering and dressing. She then packed her bags and left.

Tina was the first to volunteer. Luke was incredibly embarrassed but knew he had no other choice. When it was time to get into the shower Tina simply stripped naked.

“What are you doing? Didn’t you bring your bathing suit? Mom usually wears her bathing suit.”

“‘Usually,'” asked Tina. “What do you mean ‘usually?'”

Luke said nothing, knowing that he had just fucked up. He tried not to stare at her nakedness. She was no longer a little kid, but an eighteen year old drop dead beauty. All three of his little sisters had grown into complete knockouts.

“Besides,” Tina continued. “A bathing suit is stupid. I may as well just shower too while I’m in there and save time. Come on, get undressed and let’s get this started.”

Luke took his clothes off with Tina’s help and heard his sister’s small gasp when his massive appendage came into view. She and her sisters were constantly trying to sneak glances whenever they knew he would be naked, and laugh about it together. They had heard the rumors in town about Luke’s package. But now she was able to view it in all its glory. Luke saw her staring at it and she smirked.

“I guess the rumors around town are true, huh ‘big’ brother?”

“Shut up Tina. Let’s get this over with.”

Tina giggled and turned on the water and had him get in when the temperature was just right. She then joined him and took the soap and washcloth and began to soap up his body.

Tina was still just a teenager, and not very sexually experienced. But inside of her there was a very naughty, mischievous sexual being just trying to figure out things about herself. For the last few years she had noticed the effect she had on boys and men and the control that came with that. They were unable to just be themselves whenever she was around. It made her feel incredibly naughty in a very sexy way that warmed her whole body. And that naughty girl was starting to come out in the shower as she noticed Luke trying and failing to not look at her. She began to talk to him and tease him as she lathered up his body.

“So why did mom start locking the basement door when she bathes and dresses you?”


“She now locks the basement door. And lately she’s been down here for a really long time. Why is that,” she teased as she soaped up his muscular pecs and his washboard abs. “What are you two doing down here that takes so long?”

“I, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“And what are those strange noises that we keep hearing? It almost sounds like the two of you are working out or moving furniture or something. Lots of grunting and gasping noises.”

Tina stopped soaping his body and looked him straight in the eye, her head sexily tilted one way, lips pursed in a sexy, knowing smile.

Luke just stared at her, unable to speak. She then moved closer and pressed their midsections together causing Luke to gasp. She took the bar of soap and reached behind him and lathered up his ass and ran it through his crack, never taking away her eye contact as she started to giggle.

“Gotta make sure that all of you is nice and clean. You know, all of the girls in school always talk about what a great ass you have. You really do! It’s a really fantastic ass,” she said as she squeezed his butt cheeks.

Luke just stared at her stunned as his dick started to grow. Tina stepped back and admired it.

“Did I do that? Oh no,” she giggled.

She took his cock in her hand causing him to audibly suck in his breath, and never took her eyes off of his. Her fingers couldn’t even fit all of the way around it. She finally broke eye contact and stared down at his cock.

“Do you want to know what I think Luke? I think that the locked door, the extra long time spent down here, and the strange noises are all because of this.”

“Because of what?”

Tina gave his cock a tight squeeze causing him to gasp. He now had a full eight inch erection.

“Because of this you big silly. All because of this.”

Tina then soaped up Luke’s cock and began to stroke it. Luke weakly tried to protest.

“Tina, please. We can’t do this.”

“I’m just making sure it’s clean Luke. I’m glad it’s so hard right now. It makes this a lot easier.”

Tina let the soap fall to the shower floor and placed both hands onto Luke’s soapy cock and began to pump it as she continued to tease him.

“This is part of what mom does isn’t it Luke,” she said as she continued to work her hands up and down on his massive, slippery cock.

“Please Tina.”

“This, this is why she spends so much time down here isn’t it Luke?”

“Tina! Tina, you gotta….”

“Keep going? Like mom? Just keep stroking and stroking…..HOLY SHIT!!!”

It was too much. Luke exploded and had just shot out a huge rope of his jizz from his dick which splashed onto Tina’s gorgeous, flat, tanned stomach. She started to laugh and kept pumping up and down on his dick, which just kept spurting and spurting.

“Oh my God Luke! Is it always this much? Holy shit it just keeps shooting your jizz,” she said. Tina had a huge smile on her face and was laughing hysterically. The whole episode was very funny to her. Her beloved, beautiful brother Luke, the one always so mature and in charge, was now complete puddy in her hands. Literally right in her hands.

She continued to stroke his cock even after he had cum, giggling the whole time. Then she finally let go of his cock after it was well rinsed.

“Well, I guess it’s my turn now,” she said while regarding all of the cum on her belly that was now running down her crotch and legs.

Tina picked up the soap and started to lather up her exquisite body. Luke got out of the way and was standing in the corner and trying to avert his eyes. Tina noticed while she was soaping up her beautiful breasts.

“Luke. Please watch me. I want you to watch,” she said seductively, while looking into his eyes.

“I’m no longer a little girl.”

Luke watched as requested, while wondering when exactly his beautiful sister became such a hot little seductress. It’s not like he hadn’t noticed her before, seeing her in her cheerleading uniform or swimming in her bikini. But now, watching her lather up her naked body he could really examine her.

Tina ran the soap over her flawless, naturally bronzed skin, enhanced by countless hours in the sun, which gave her sexy tan lines. She ran the soap up and down her gorgeous legs, her rounded, muscular calves and finally her slim ankles and pretty feet. She then washed her very well trimmed pussy, and Luke took notice of just what a fat pussy it was. She had a very pronounced labia which was a total turn on.

She then turned around and washed her ass, even bending over to let it spread a little for him, revealing her smooth, brown butthole.

“Jesus…” he whispered, which caused her to giggle. Tina had the most perfect body that he had ever seen. She was soft where you wanted it to be soft and had muscle tone where you wanted that. Combined with her beautiful skin, high cheekbones, dazzling green eyes and beautiful straight brown hair, she was an absolute stunner.

Tina stood up and regarded her brother and then looked at his crotch.

“Uh oh,” she said.

Luke looked down and saw that he was once again fully hard, with his fat, eight inches standing straight up.

“Now we can’t just leave you like that can we,” she said while she stepped forward and placed her hands back on his dick.

Luke didn’t say anything as she started to jerk him off again. Tina however, couldn’t help herself and continued to tease him.

“Luke, those sounds we hear when mom is down here? It sounds like she’s moaning really loudly,” said Tina as she looked into his eyes and kept stroking his cock.

“Why would she be moaning Luke?”

“Tina, please stop asking me about mom.”

“Whatever it is you’re doing to her, I think it’s great.”


“I think it’s great. You know how irritable she can be. But she always comes back upstairs completely relaxed. It’s like she can’t even get mad at anything. I would love to be that relaxed. She caught Julie, Marion and me with some stolen beers the other day and never said a thing. Normally she would have chewed our heads off. Whatever it is you’re doing to her down here please don’t stop.”

“Goddammit Tina, please just shut up.”

“And another thing. When we hear her moaning down here we can tell that the water isn’t running. So it’s happening after the shower.”

“Goddammit Tina,” said Luke through gritted teeth. Her stroking felt great and she was turning him on.

“You know I don’t blame you Luke. She’s still just as beautiful as ever. Hell, all of the guys at school say they would love to be with any of us sisters because we’ll age like mom. What son wouldn’t want to get with that.”

“Oh fuck Tina! Don’t stop,” said Luke as he started to buck his hips in time with her stroking hands. Soon he was shooting a second load of jizz all over Tina who once again laughed and marveled at it. Once he was done she rinsed them both off and they got out of the shower.

Tina got dressed and then helped him dress and once she was done he placed his bandaged hands on her shoulders and addressed her.

“Tina, don’t tell anyone about this ok? That shouldn’t have happened. It’s our secret, ok?”

“Of course Luke. I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

“I mean it Tina. Especially Marion and Julie. You three blab about everything to each other. This needs to stay between you and me. Promise!”

“I promise Luke.”

“Swear to god Tina!”

“Luke, I promise! I swear to god that I won’t tell Marion and Julie. Just chill out ok?”

“Ok, cool,” said Luke as he removed his bandaged hands from her shoulders.

Tina then kissed him on the cheek and then ran up the stairs. She then raced through the living room and upstairs to where her sisters were hanging out in Julie’s room and burst through the door.

“Guess who just gave Luke two handjobs in the shower!”

Her sisters just looked at her stunned and confused, then Tina explained what happened. Julie and Marion were furious with their sister and the competition was on. Julie demanded to be next to help him in the shower, followed by Marion. It all became about one upping each other. Handjobs soon led to long make out sessions which then led to more handjobs. Then Tina upped it to blowjobs and eventually all three would be in the basement with Luke, taking turns slurping on his dick and demanding to know who was best. Luke was never stupid enough to give an answer.

Then a few days before their mother was set to return, Tina came out of the basement and proudly bragged to her sisters that she got Luke to take her virginity. After that, it was a free for all as they all took turns “forcing” themselves on Luke.

Finally it was time to have his bandages removed and Julie drove him to the hospital. It drove Luke nuts that during all of this amazing sex he wasn’t able to actually touch the girls and their incredible figures. When they got home he ordered all three of his sisters to go down to the basement. They excitedly complied. He had been going crazy with his hands in bandages and now he was finally free. They spent the rest of that afternoon letting Luke enjoy their amazing bodies. He spent a long time fondling them before he banged all three repeatedly. The next few days were a constant fuckfest.

Claire had her last day of meetings cancelled and managed to get an early flight home. Letting her kids know that she was coming home early had simply slipped her mind. She entered through her front door and the house felt empty. She figured that the kids were probably out with friends, so she went to the kitchen and fixed herself a bourbon. She leaned against the counter and took a long pull of her drink when she heard noises coming from the basement.

She went to the basement door and opened it. She was immediately hit with the smell of sex and the sounds of her daughters moaning and arguing with each other. The arguing wasn’t unusual for three sisters, but the moaning was.

“Mmmm, UH! Unh…..so good….AH!”

“Luke, your cock feels so fucking good!”

“I’m next you fucking bitch!”

“Fuck you Tina! You’ve already made him climb on top of you like three times today you fucking slut!”

Claire was shocked at what she was hearing and tip-toed down the stairs. Halfway down she was able to see Luke’s bed. The sight caused her to stifle a gasp as she covered her mouth with her hand.

On the bed were all four of her children. Luke was lying on his back. Julie was on top of him riding his dick and moaning in ecstasy. Marion was sitting on his face, facing Julie and grinding her box on his mouth. Julie was sucking on one of her sister’s tits. Tina was also on the bed, kneeling next to the threesome and rubbing her pussy. She and Marion were arguing about who was next in line to take Luke’s dick.

“I’m next you cunt! You can either keep sitting on his face or go move to the side, but that cock is mine once Julie’s done!”

“You are such a fucking slut Tina! You never get enough, oh yeah….oh shit Luke your tongue feels so good! Ah! Seriously Tina, you fucked him all morning!”

“This morning was several hours ago! I’m next on this cock!”

Luke then in one move pushed Marion off of his face, put his arm around Julie and flipped the two of them over so that she was on her back and he was on top. He immediately kept thrusting into her as she wrapped her legs around him. He pressed his mouth against hers and kissed her deeply as he fucked her. Meanwhile, Marion and Tina kept arguing.

Luke then let out a loud moan and began to cum inside Julie’s pussy.

“Fuck that’s good,” grunted Luke as he shot rope after rope into Julie. Once his orgasm was over he collapsed on top of her and slowly rolled off. Julie had passed out at this point, and Marion and Tina were still sniping at each other.

“You have a fucking problem Tina! Nobody should need it that much! You’re a fucking nympho!”

“Well this nympho is next to get fucked, bitch!”

“TINA! MARION,” Luke barked. “Shut the fuck up! You’re both on cleanup duty! Tina, you’re on Julie and Marion, you’re on me. NOW!”

Tina and Marion snapped to attention, and then crawled between Julie and Luke’s legs. Tina spread her sister’s legs open and began to lap at her cum filled pussy. While Tina ate her sister’s box, Marion was busy sucking and licking the cum and pussy juice off of Luke’s fuckstick.

Marion took her mouth off of Luke’s cock and asked him, “Luke, I’m next right? You’re fucking me next, right?”

Luke gently pushed Marion’s head back down on his dick while reassuring her, “Yes Marion baby, you’re next. Once you’ve got me cleaned up and hard again you’re getting fucked. Now keep sucking sweetheart.”

Marion squealed with delight as she sucked her brother’s dick.

“Goddammit,” Trina grumbled and then went back to eating her passed out sister’s cumfilled snatch.

Claire slowly made her way back upstairs and quietly closed the basement door. She went to the kitchen table, sat down and finished her drink and poured herself another one. She was in shock at what she had just seen. But she also knew that she couldn’t be angry. She herself had tried to just be maternal and only help Luke in the shower. But being in the shower with him just proved way too tempting. She knew he got around a lot before the accident. He was accustomed to lots of sex and now he wasn’t getting any. While soaping him up she knew that his massive hardon had to be aching for release. And she gave him that release with her hand.

All that did was stir her own fires. It had been so long since she had been with a man. Especially a man who knew how to fuck. The next day she used her mouth on him. And the following day she also got naked and just washed him in the shower, but when they were done she dried him off and took him to bed, where she had him climb on top of her and fuck her over and over again. And that’s how she continued, even letting him take her ass, until she had to get back on the road for work.

So knowing her own actions, she couldn’t get too upset with her daughters. She had to admit that she was somewhat reckless and cavalier in the way she messed around with Luke and that her daughters easily figured out what was going on. Plus, she knew they all adored him and had crushes on him. So given the circumstances where they had to be around him in such intimate settings, none of this should be a surprise. She finished her drink and thanked the lord that she had gotten all three girls on the pill when they started high school.

After that day neither side talked about or acknowledged what was happening, even though it was plainly clear to everyone that there was a competition for Luke and his hammer. Claire simply took whatever time she could to be alone with Luke and her daughters did the same.

Whenever Claire was on the road the sisters would have group sex with Luke out in the open. He loved them all but Tina fast became his favorite. He was able to bang Marion and Julie to the point where both girls had to eventually throw in the towel. But Tina always managed to best him and leave him drained, flaccid and incapable of further sex, regardless of how vigorously she sucked him, trying to get one last boner out of him. Plus she had a kinky side that never said no to anything.

One time, she came down to the basement to get some alone time with Luke, who had just finished working out and was getting into the shower. He ordered her to strip and to get in with him. She loved it when he took control but this time he was even more direct. He ordered her to get on her knees and suck his dick. He was being way more aggressive than usual and she instantly started to get wet as she kneeled down and took his cock into her mouth and proceeded to blow him.

Soon his massive tool was rock hard and Luke put his hands on her head and aggressively started to fuck her face, causing her to choke and gag on his cock. All it did was turn her on even further. He was using her body and she wanted to be used. She put her hands on his hips and started to push and pull along with him, sending his huge tool in and out of her mouth and down her throat.

Then Luke pulled his cock out of her mouth and barked at her, “Get up, turn around and put your hands on the wall and stick your ass out. Now!”

Tina did as she was told as a thrill shot through her as Luke took command. Soon she felt her cheeks being pulled apart and the next thing she knew Luke was eating her ass. Soon he was invading her anus with his finger, and then two fingers and finally three.

Luke then stood up straight and Tina turned her head and saw that he was soaping up his cock. Realization of his intentions suddenly dawned on Tina and she became scared and turned on at the same time.

“Luke, I’m not sure about this!”

“Shut up! Keep facing the wall! You’re gonna love this and you know it. You’re scared but you’re turned on too, aren’t you Tina?”

Tina said nothing and did as she was told. Luke was right. She was scared but also very excited. She then felt him step up to her and place the head of his huge dick up against the rosebud of her ass and begin to push it in.

“I’m gonna go balls deep right in your ass Tina, you gorgeous little fuckslut. And you’re gonna fucking love it. Just like mom. Mom practically begs me to take her ass.”

“Luke! Please! It’s so big!”

She cried out in pain as three inches entered her. Luke gave her a few seconds and then pushed the remaining five inches into her ass.

“FUUCKKKK!!! Oh shit Luke! It’s too big! It’s way too big Luke!”

“Shut up. You’re gonna take it and you know you’re gonna love it Tina, you kinky bitch! Just shut up and get fucked!”

Tina was completely turned on by his words despite the pain in her ass. Luke started to slowly pull out and then push himself back in while Tina was rapidly breathing in and out, trying to handle the pain. Luke began to speed up his thrusts and was soon steadily sawing his giant dong in and out of Tina’s tight asshole.

Tina’s cries of pain soon turned to moans. And Luke was surprised to see that she started to meet his thrusts, pushing her ass back at him every time he thrust forward.

“Who’s my kinky bitch Tina?”

“I am!”

“Who’s my kinky little slut?”

“I am!”

“Say it!”

“I’m your kinky little slut Luke! I’ll do whatever you want so long as you fuck my holes!”

“Goddamn Tina!”

Tina was now thrusting back to meet him as he slammed his cock balls deep into her tight ass. She loved the painful pleasure of his invasion.

“Fuck me Luke! Fuck my ass! Go harder! AHH! FUCK! Goddamn Luke it hurts so good! Fuck your slut! Fuck your kinky slut!”

“I knew you’d be into it Tina, you little slut. Jesus Christ you’re so fucking hot. I’m gonna be fucking this ass a lot from now on.”

“Do it! Please Luke! Fuck my ass! I can’t wait to tell Julie and Marion! They’re gonna be so….UH! OH YEAH!….they’re gonna be so jealous! It’s so deep in my ass!”

Luke was unable to last long and was soon blasting off inside Tina’s tight ass. When he was done he pulled out and stepped back to the other side of the shower and slumped against the wall, exhausted. Tina just stood where she was, trying to catch her breath. Then she turned around and regarded Luke with a huge smile.

“That was amazing! Let’s do it again!”

She then went over to Luke and bent down and took his cock into her mouth and sucked on it. She sucked and sucked until she felt sure it was going to stay hard. Then she turned to face the shower wall again and assumed the position.

“Again Luke! Shove it up my ass!”

Luke just shook his head in amazement as he got behind her.

“You’re so fucking amazing Tina. Your so fucking hot,” he said as he roughly jammed his dick back up her tailpipe.

“UNNNGGG!! UNH! Oh yes Luke! Fuck your kinky bitch’s asshole! Fuck it! So deep in my ass! So fucking deep! Harder!”

Luke fucked her ass in that position for several minutes, until he was exhausted. He pulled out and laid down on the shower floor.

“You did it again Tina. You fucking exhausted me you kinky slut. You gotta drive now. Sit your ass on my cock and fuck yourself on it. Now!”

Tina smiled as she stood over him and lowered herself down onto his cock, letting out a loud moan as his dick worked back up her anus. She kept her feet flat on the shower floor on either side of him and started to bounce up and down on his dong.

“So fucking good Luke! So fucking deep!”

Tina’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she bounced up and down, with the only sounds being her moaning, the running shower, and the slaps of her ass cheeks hitting her brother’s upper thighs.

Luke was massaging her bouncing tits as she fucked her ass on him when he felt the old familiar feeling. He grabbed her ankles and squeezed them.

“Here it comes baby sister! Gonna fill up that ass again!”

“Do it! Fill up your kinky bitch! Right up my ass!”

When Luke was done cumming Tina laid down on top of him, with his cock still lodged in her ass and made out with him. The shower raining water down on them.

“Don’t ask for any more Tina. Once again you’ve drained me.”

Tina laughed and got up off of him and helped him up. Tina then did her best to clean out her ass and then left the shower. She quickly dried off and got dressed and then immediately bragged about what she had done, or more what Luke had done to her, to Julie and Marion.

And of course, Marion and Julie had to keep up and demanded that Luke also fuck them up their virgin asses. They had a much harder time taking it but soon became accommodated to his anal invasions, and even began to enjoy them. Soon Luke had a woman and three girls who were getting all three of their holes ravaged by him on a regular basis.

Luke had never gotten so much action in his life. And once word got out that he was all healed up, his other ladies came calling. The girls from school, the neighborhood MILFs, all of them. He found it impossible to manage and it finally ended when he got into a program at school that required him to move away to Texas, where he would finish up his degree at a satellite school while interning at a chemical plant.

The sisters were heartbroken to see him leave, but understood that what they had could not last forever, and that they all needed to get on with their lives. Luke eventually met a beautiful girl whom he married and settled down in California with, where he developed an amazing career for himself.

Tina and her sisters ended up going to the same college and during Marion and Tina’s junior year they went to a party where they met the Tucker brothers. Tina had remarked how the same good looking guy seemed to be in every room at the party and that’s when they discovered the brothers. They were identical triplets. Kevin, Bobby, and Dwight.

The brothers had each worn the same outfit as a gag, and they immediately hit it off with the sisters. All three were on the swim team with partial scholarships. They each had powerful builds with square jaws and sandy brown hair. The sisters were completely smitten and the brothers were blown away by the girls’ beauty. Kevin ended up with Julie while Ricky got Marion and Dwight paired up with Tina.

The three couples soon became inseparable. Thanks to their experiences with Luke and each other, the sisters were not shy at all about sex and experimentation. With the help of alcohol the group was soon swapping partners for fun and also having orgies.

And Dwight soon learned that the arrangement was perfect for him, since he got the insatiable Tina as his wife. Whenever the three couples would have an orgy, Tina would never tire out. She would do everything that was asked of her to keep the triplets hard so that they could keep sticking it to her, long after Julie and Marion had tapped out. She would often find herself completely stuffed full of all three of their cocks at the same time, loving every second of it.

Right after college the three couples married in a mutual ceremony and spent their honeymoons together. And after the honeymoon they mutually decided that they should all start families at the same time.

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