He put one foot in front of the other, slowly and steadily. After lifetimes of stalking around the forest, he had no trouble at all concealing every trace of his presence. He made no sound, neither from the crisp autumn brush that threatened to crunch underneath his feet, nor from the soft breaths that he released from his mouth in measured exhales. The arrows too in his quiver seemed to obey his command of silence, and they never clicked against each other, even when he had to duck to dodge the wiry branches that grew in whatever directions they pleased.

Although he was as silent as a man could be, there was no stopping his breaths from leaving his mouth as little puffs of smoke. It was becoming winter now, and the frost had come early this year. His furs did a great deal of keeping him warm, but he liked to keep his arms exposed. It made for better hunting. The chill had set into his bones long ago, but he was a man of the outdoors, hardened by the elements over the time he’d spent there. He did not complain. Zhang Chen, the dead hunter, was no stranger to making sacrifices for the thrill of the hunt.

As he grew closer to his destination, the familiar friend that was adrenaline had his pulse quickening. A smile spread across his lips, stretching the chapped skin. This was going to be a good hunt.

In his last foray into town, a small area named Sogang, he’d sat at the counter of the ale house, drinking his spirits alone. He liked to keep to himself, and apart from short sentences shared with the maiden that tended to the guests, he enjoyed his drink and planned to leave as soon as he finished his bottle.

In fact, he never stayed long in one place, certainly not when he came to pockets of civilization like this. If you were to ask him, he would have said that he didn’t need to visit these towns at all, but the truth was that he had a fondness for drink that pulled him out of his otherwise focused hunts.

He’d listened to the voice in his head telling him to head back out to where he was comfortable, and had just put down his empty cup to gather his belongings and stand up. It was no sooner than when his hand touched his knife when a voice behind him made him stop, then put his hand back on his cup.

“Another one,” he winked to the girl, who covered her mouth with a hand and giggled. It wasn’t long before he had a fresh bottle of ale in front of him. As was customary, the girl poured him the first drink, which he threw back before blowing out the thick vapor of alcohol in a stream of air. He handed her his coin, and she smiled before walking away to service another customer who had called for her.

He poured himself another cup as he listened to the story that was being spun behind him. Typically, Chen made it a habit of tuning out the frivolous conversations of other patrons. Most of the time, they talked about nothing of substance, and he was happy enough to indulge in his drink rather than reach for subpar entertainment. However, every so often, there would be something that would catch his ear, a strand from a tapestry of a story that actually had him listening.

In this instance, it was an old man that caught his ear. As soon as Chen had walked in he knew who this man was: the old drunkard, who told tall tales while living off ale and the attention of anyone who could be foolish enough to give him a few seconds of their time. Often, those few seconds were the start of a few half-hours of helplessly nodding along to whatever the drunkard had to say.

Chen couldn’t see what unfortunate soul had been pulled in by the drunkard, but he sat and listened to the slurred words behind him.

“I’m telling you,” said the drunkard. “I never saw anything so beautiful like that girl. An odd little thing she was, though, with wings like glass.”

“Wings! That’s ridiculous, old man.”

The drunkard let out a bark of laughter so intense that even the normally unflappable Chen was taken aback. “It was ridiculous. But I’m not lying, and I didn’t have a drop of liquor that day either. No, she was bathing. At the top of the river. I tell you, if I were but thirty years younger…”

Chen didn’t have to turn around to see the perverted smile the old man wore, but he still saw the crooked and toothy thing as he finally stood up, turned around, walked out. Most of his second bottle of ale had been untouched, but he didn’t care. He was back on the hunt.

That was how he found himself in the forest, walking to reach the river the drunkard had spoken of. Sogang, or little river, was actually quite large. It was only half a day’s travel from the town that had been named after it, and Chen had made the journey in less time than that, excited at the prospect of what he would find.

Well, he knew what he would find. He knew that there was always a chance that the old man had made everything up, but over the years Chen had heard whispers of the same story. They were few and far between, but every time he gleaned new pieces of information about them: the kkachi shin.

The kkachi shin, or magpie goddesses, had always piqued Chen’s interest. Legends told of the Celestial King’s ten daughters, each more beautiful than the last with ghost-like wings that shimmered like smoke. They lived with their father in the heavens, while each of their husbands ruled over the ten floors of hell with heavy hands of great power.

For the kkachi shin, though, they were fascinated with the dealings of humans, and could transform into magpies at will, which they would often do just to observe mortal life. It was the only way that the Celestial King would allow them to leave his heavenly realm.

That was, with one exception. On one night of the year, the ten sisters would descend from their father’s palace to be cleansed in preparation for their yearly journey to visit their husbands in the underworld. It had to be in a holy place, where the light of the moon could touch every part of their skin and cleanse them of any residue of mortality upon them. If they ever failed to do so, their immortality could be at risk when they entered the underworld. Consequently, every sister would faithfully return to that chosen location come every year’s shinae nal, or Spirits’ Day.

Over the years, Zhang Chen had slowly garnered the different parts of the legend. The legend of the kkachi shin originated from the Han people, so that had given him a general area to search. But, a whole country is hardly a small place to look, and he’d spent many decades traveling in a foreign country in the hopes of fulfilling this dream of his. His search was also complicated by the timing of the kkachi shin’s appearance. Since they only descended to earth once a year, one had to be in the right place at exactly the right time – something that Chen had not yet been able to accomplish.

Funnily enough, it was only when he returned to his own country for rest that he’d gained some more insight into where next to search. He had been feeling particularly ruthless that day, and instead of shooting his prey through the eye as he usually did, he had sent his arrow soaring into the meat of its back leg, so that even as it ran away from him it roared in pain. He’d remained calm, only to deliver two more carefully placed arrows into it – not enough to kill, only maim.

Chen walked close as the tiger gave another roar of pain. An arrow had pierced through its paw and embedded itself into the ground, so that it could not remove itself from where it was pinned to. He could see in its eyes that it knew its time was limited. He unsheathed his knife, the flat gray surface wide and the edge serrated. It was a knife made for killing.

“Wait!” The tiger said, panic in its voice as its eyes tracked the knife. “Please, do not kill me.”

“My prey has begged me to spare its life far too many times. I tire of it.” It always made a dark chuckle leave Chen’s mouth. To beg a hunter to stop hunting was nearly an insult. Mostly he would ignore it and just deliver the killing blow, but this day he didn’t mind the idea of toying with his prey.

“I can give you something! What do you need?” The tiger’s tail flicked behind it.

“I hunger for your meat, animal.”

“What if I can give you well-guarded information? Have you heard of the kkachi shin?”

The tiger walked away with its life spared that day, and Chen set off to journey again to the land of the Han people, this time towards the northeast. The tiger hadn’t had all the details, but he promised that the information was good. Chen wished that he could eat the tiger anyways, but he had made a promise, and as a steward of the Zhong people he could not turn his back on a vow.

The northeast was a desolate place with heavy snowfall, and Chen had to mutter a thanks to the gods that he happened upon his information when he did. The land of the Zhong people was generally warmer than this region, and it hardly snowed in the winters. Though he had traveled through snow often, it wasn’t something he relished doing.

It only took another couple of hours for him to reach the end of the river. That is, the place where the river started. He could see why the kkachi shin had chosen it as their holy place of cleansing. It was in a high place, a pond from where water rushed down into the rest of the river. The water bubbled up from the middle of the pond, and though he couldn’t tell where the water came from he knew it was supernatural. Usually, any odd or mystical phenomena only indicated that it was a spirit-heavy place.

The plain of land that surrounded the pond was only sparsely covered by some bushes and trees, and after walking around to survey his surroundings Chen decided to make camp in one of the trees. The trees were tall and quite sturdy, with a decent amount of foliage. He knew that he would be unseen, and that even if someone were looking for him he could make himself nearly undetectable.

The round moon in the sky told him that it was very near to being full. When it became full, that was the day where the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. As the dead hunter and a great spirit, he was no stranger to odd things happening. However, on the Spirits’ Day, shinae nal, it was more than just the regular spiritual activity. No, the heavens, the overworld, and hell would all became one.

Most of the time, Chen enjoyed hunting the demons that would come up to the overworld, tempted by the tantalizing promise of taking advantage of some human souls. But this year, he had something much more important to do. He was glad that he’d heard the drunkard’s tale just a few days before the start of shinae nal.

If he were just to stay at the mouth of the Sogang river, soon enough he would be able to finally find the elusive kkachi shin that he’d been faithfully hunting for so long. He cracked his knuckles, a smile once more on his lips. He leaned back against the tree, closing his eyes. Before long, his prey would be upon him.

It only took a couple of days.

Zhang Chen had barely been able to sleep over the past couple of days, his hunter’s instincts keeping him wide awake in anticipation of their arrival. He passed the time slowly, wandering away during the day to hunt small game for sport. As soon as there was a hint of nightfall, though, he would return back to the spot in his tree, where he sat still, waiting.

He knew that the day had come, because as night fell the color drained from his surroundings. It was much mistier than the past few nights had been, and there was a sinister chill in the air, the kind that numbed you, sunk deep into you. Even more than that, as a spirit, he could feel spirits growing restless as they drifted into the overworld, where most humans would be hiding indoors, huddled together.

Chen thought there was an irony through the whole situation. He had never been fearful on the Spirits’ Day. Most of the time, he neglected to actively go hunt – he found it to be a bother, with all the excitement of the spirits who traveled. But, in this case, he supposed he was one of the evil spirits that humans were fearful of, malicious and ready to sacrifice others for his own gain.

Though the humans didn’t have anything to fear.

He had fantasized about how they would descend from the heavens, but he hadn’t expected it to be so anticlimactic. A line of ten magpies flew down from the sky. Since magpies were not large birds, them being silhouetted against the light of the full moon too meant he couldn’t tell what he was looking at first. But, when they were close enough for him to count, with each of their long tails trailing behind them, he knew that they were there for him. They were there to be received by him.

But he sat still as they flew down and settled onto the grass next to the far edge of the pond. In the span of his blinking, the magpies had transformed into human girls. At last, they seemed like humans, save for the wings that fluttered on their backs.

The legends could never describe and the words of mortal could never capture the otherworldly beauty of those gossamer wings that spilled out from their backs. They shone like moonlight itself, rainbows cascading out in the shape of fans, fluttering back and forth as the girls chattered amongst themselves.

Their wings were nothing in comparison to the beauty of their faces, though. Skin so pure, glowing in the soft light, hair that tumbled over their shoulders in waves of ink. Their eyes were large, and those lips… Though the moonlight washed everything out, he could see how they were dark shades of pink, shapely and full.

He felt like time itself had stopped as they began to undress, untying their robe and slipping each side over their delicate shoulders. They unbound their hair and their skirts, and then finally the cloth around their breasts.

Chen remained frozen in his tree. So impossibly close to him were ten girls of perfection, celestial gifts to him, ripe for the taking. He ran his lecherous eyes over their innocent faces, their long and lithe bodies, the way their breasts and hips gave them curves.

One by one, they began to dive into the water, squealing with delight and shock as the cold water hit their systems.

For Chen, he knew this was the time where he had to make his choice. He had been looking at them all, trying to find his favorite. If he got lucky, he would be able to capture more than one, but he knew it was very unlikely. Once they turned back into magpies, he knew that sending an arrow through another one would only kill it, which was nowhere near what he wanted to do. So, he looked for his favorite, and very soon found her.

She was just a bit smaller than the others, with eyes that shone with joy. She had the longest hair, which spread about her and trailed after her in the water like a veil. She laughed easily at what her sisters said, a dimple appearing on her left cheek and her eyes disappearing into little half moons.

Zhang Chen had never known what it was like to be alive. He’d never minded it. No, he’d never wished for it. In fact, he would always have claimed that he preferred to be dead. It seemed so impractical, to carry a living and beating heart within your chest. After all, he thought, the image of the many prey whose lives he’d ended, life made beings so sensibly fragile.

However, according to the legends, the kkachi shin were made of the very essence of life themselves. When they smiled, it made the hearts of sinners stop, and when they laughed, flowers sprang up around them. He thought that didn’t sound too bad.

He looked down at his large hands and tawny forearms, the scarred skin revealing the sinewy muscles that lay underneath its surface. He couldn’t wait to run his hands over the soft skin of his prey, the one that he’d chosen.

Anticipation gripped him as he pulled an arrow from its quiver and with practice hands, pulled the nock onto the string of his bow. He’d done it a million times, and he had far surpassed the need to look at his hands while setting up his shot. But today, the adrenaline thrumming through him had him making sure everything looked proper.

He raised his bow, and with the other hand effortlessly pulled the string back until his thumb was parallel to his cheek.

He only had one shot.

He only had one shot, and then she would be his.

Inah had never known pain. As one of the Celestial King’s daughters, she had never wanted for anything. Not food, not water, and certainly not for safety. But that all changed in a moment. She felt it before she heard it. In fact, she never heard it all, because the only thing she knew in the moment was pain.

It radiated from her hand, which had been jerked back by the force of something, which as she turned to look at her hand she let out a scream of horror. An arrow had been driven into her palm, and the force of it drove it deep into the ground behind her. Blood welled up around the wood in her hand, and she covered her mouth with her hand as chaos erupted around her.

Her sisters, noticing the arrow in Inah’s hand, immediately transformed into magpies and began their ascent back to heaven.

“Sisters!” Inah cried out in the tongue of gods, begging them to stay and to help her. But, it fell on deaf ears, because they had already fled.

She began to yank at the arrow, but she had no strength and could not dis-embed it from where it was in the dirt. She did not notice the dark figure that dropped down from the tree in front of her, and had she noticed it, it would only have made her cry harder.

For Chen, though, he had never seen a more beautiful sight. His prey might have been wounded, but she was still extraordinarily beautiful as she pulled at the arrow with all her might, her wings fluttering behind her in a panic. Her hair was plastered to her body, which as it was lifted up from the water by her wings, had water rolling off her naked skin in fat droplets.

And best of all, she was all alone.

“What is your name, little bird?”

Inah lifted her eyes to see the man who had shot her, still holding his bow. She let out another scream and pulled at the arrow harder with panicked gasps, tears rolling down her face, though this time more from terror than pain.

Before she knew it, he was upon her.

He put his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. Her heart raced so fast she was scared it would jump out of her chest, and her wings kept threatening to take her up higher into the sky despite her hand being pinned to the ground. She was frozen in place by his eyes, which were hard as they looked into hers. Even more disturbingly, though, was how his eyes looked. There was no white in them. Instead, the whole eye was an inky black.

Then, in an action that felt somehow even more violating, he slid his gaze up and down her body, which she was made acutely aware was completely uncovered.

Those black eyes, the furs wrapped around him, the ghostly bone wood bow and arrow he carried – she knew who this was. Zhang Chen, the dead hunter, great spirit of the Zhong people. She had never met him, but she had heard of him. No, they had not wanted her to hear of him, tales of his death and decay having no place reaching the ears of a delicate princess such as herself. But, Inah had been fascinated that such a spirit could exist. Surely, she had thought to herself in the past, such a spirit could not exist. He sounded like the tales that mortals would tell their children, to incite in them fear that if they were to misbehave, they would be hunted by the great Zhang Chen come Spirits’ Day.

She wasn’t sure in what way she had misbehaved, though, for it seemed that now, he had come hunting her.

“Please,” she whispered in the language of man. She hoped that he had even a breath’s worth of compassion within him. “Let me go.”

Her hopes were crushed when in response he only laughed. Really, Zhang Chen was delighted. It was a complete departure from his regularly dispassionate and stoic demeanor, but he was thrilled that he had finally done it – he had caught his ultimate prey.

“What is your name?” He asked again.

“Inah.” She said again, her voice barely audible though there was no sound around them.

“Inah. Brace yourself.” Chen had no trouble pulling the arrow out of the earth. In response Inah cried out as the movement agitated the raw flesh of her hand. As soon as it was pulled free, she beat with her wings with all her might, but his grip on her wrist was too strong and he pulled her back down to earth as he angerlessly chastised her. “Don’t be like that.”

She let out a sob as he hugged her close and began to secure her with a rope. She had already given up, Chen realized, and stood still as he wrapped it around her ribs so her arms were pinned to her sides. As he did so, he couldn’t resist palming her breasts, which were just enough to fill his hands. He had her turn around so he could tie off her binds in the back, and saw where her wings sprouted out from her shoulder blades.

They were the same shape as a magpie’s wings, and with downy feathers too. He ran a hand across the span of the wing and was surprised that it was soft and warm. It also beat along with her heart, a rapid pulse that betrayed her panicked interior, and he found that he quite liked this part of his maiden of life. Inah let out a gasp as Chen sated his curiosities. He did it again, this time fingering the feathers that covered its surface, and this time, Inah let out a full moan.

She was shaking, a combination of the cold, her fear, and the monstrous arousal that had reared up when Chen had began to touch her wings. Her tears lay forgotten, as she was too shocked by her body’s response to continue crying.

“You liked it,” said Chen with a smile.

“Please.” Inah only said, mortified and still shivering violently.

“You must be cold.” Chen said with a frown. He couldn’t have his prey freezing to death, and he did not have any extra clothing to cover her with. He looked over to where all the sisters had left their stripped off clothes, and then back to Inah. He began to speak to her, slowly as one might to a hysterical child. “I will go to get your clothes and then help you put them on. I assure you that if you try to fly away, I will not hesitate to shoot you again.”

She nodded, eyes wide with fright.

Chen made good on his promise, and was quick to put two layers of clothes on her. Inah did not like the feeling of being encumbered, but was glad that heavensilk was very good at insulating against cold. She stopped shivering, instead eyeing the man with dread.

She couldn’t bring herself to ask the question of what he wanted to do with her. She found a hope growing within her that it wasn’t for her body. Surely if it was for that reason, then he would have done so already, right?

“There are other ways to get you warm, too,” he said, and her horror was renewed as he stepped close, winding his hand in the roots of her hair and pressing his lips against hers.

Inah was over a full head shorter than Chen, and so he had to bend down to kiss her. She squirmed, protesting against his mouth. Her wings fluttered, though all they did was drive her body closer into his.

It had been a while since Chen had bedded a woman, and with this angel in his arms that was practically begging to be defiled, he wasn’t sure how long he could last before he drove himself into her waiting warmth. Perhaps even more so than the human women he would sometimes bed, Inah radiated light and heat in a way that was searingly pleasurable against his senses. But still, he forced himself to slow down as he ravished her mouth, deepening the kiss and touching his tongue to hers.

“Mmf!” She tried to tear her mouth away from the kiss, but his fist in her hair kept her from being able to move much. Inah had only ever been with her husband, the king of the first floor of hell, but they had never made love in this way. Her husband was a man who prided himself on being kind and loving and just, much to the chagrin of many of the demons under his rule. So, when she did lie with him, he was gentle and sweet, quite the opposite of how this man with black eyes kissed her.

Shamefully, though, she found that something about the sordid nature of their contact set her blood ablaze. The world felt pale and cold all around her, and for the first time the goddess grew fearful thinking of all the dangers that must have always been lurking in the darkness, demons and malicious spirits waiting to take her. Her hand throbbed by her side as he forced himself onto her, a reminder of the injury that had been her downfall.

On the other hand, Chen could feel Inah’s resolve weakening as he moved his mouth against hers. Her lips were so full and soft, and her mouth tasted sweet. The need to make her submit gripped his heart with a tenacious ferocity, and he reached his hand around her body, simultaneously pulling her close and plunging his hand into her feathers. He ran his fingers over every crevice of those wings, never letting her pull away from his possessive kiss, her squeaks of panic only inflaming his desire for the beautiful creature in his arms.

Inah couldn’t think anymore. She forgot about the arrow still embedded in her useless hand as this mysterious and dangerous man did with her body as he pleased. The worst part was that she liked it. She felt ashamed of the whoreishness of her body as it not only accepted the attention, it invited more of it.

She was unsure of how it happened, but at some point she was laying on the cold ground on her back, wings crushed underneath her even as he rubbed at the sensitive spots where it met the flesh of her back. Her hips were moving back and forth in a lewd show of what his attentions were doing to her, and little gasps left her mouth as she fought to stay afloat.

But her eyes were closed, and Chen knew how far she was gone when he peeled her shirt back and she had no reaction at all. He rained down kisses on his prey, pressing his lips against the side of her jaw, down her neck, and onto her breasts.

He pulled his hand away from her wings and, wrestling with her long skirts, put a hand between her legs to find it soaking wet. His whole finger came away with her wetness, and he smirked as he looked down at his prey, eyes closed, legs open, taking shallow breaths as her chest contracted with her rapid exhales. She was almost ready.

Still, she did not object as he renewed his efforts pressing his lips against her breasts, the heat of her soft skin feeling impossibly pleasurable on his lips. He bit down on that perfectly smooth flesh, and she cried out without protest. Her voice was thick with arousal, and it renewed when he began to assault her nipples with his mouth.

He could have began it with a gentle lick, but Zhang Chen was also on the verge of losing his mind with his sweet, half-naked maiden lying underneath him. So instead, he rolled his tongue over her nipple, suckling at it with his lips until she cried out, her good hand fighting to push him away as the sensations overtook her.

Chen ignored her weak attempts, instead only opting to switch to her other breast. He bit her again, and like before, Inah cried out, but this time with more of a moan in her voice.

He returned his hand to her center, where it had impossibly become more wet. Her hips bucked upwards as he made contact with her, especially as his finger ran across the nub that was slick and erect. She moaned weakly with her eyes half-closed as Chen began to insert a finger into her. For the first time she spoke, a devastating “nooo…”

He ignored it, though, as he forced it into her tightness. Everything in his body screamed at him to drive himself into her in that moment, to experience her softness with something bigger and better than his finger. Because it was good.

It sucked greedily at his finger, seeming impossibly hot and soft. He curled his finger inwards and she squirmed, sucking in a great shuddering breath. He slid his finger back inside her and repeated the motion, each time resulting in Inah’s arousal growing bigger and bigger. When Chen noticed it, he only grew rougher with her, so that they were feeding off of each other in a sick cycle of pleasure and arousal.

His hand was getting sore, but still he roughly fingered Inah until tears ran down her cheeks and she was nearly screaming with pleasure. Somewhere along the way, he had inserted a second finger into her, and was again struck by how her insides felt. He could feel every ridge inside, and as his fingers massaged her soft flesh he found that he could not wait any longer.

Inah felt empty when he removed his fingers from her. So overcome by arousal as she was, she had no thought in her head as she watched him undo his pants and pull the waist down so his erection bobbed back up. It was bigger than she would have expected, but she felt no fear as he planted his hands on either side of her and lined himself up so it pressed against her entrance. Actually, the only thing she felt was a fierce arousal grip her as she bit her lip, raising her hips to angle herself upwards.

His cock was hot, the skin soft against her wetness, and she swallowed down her cry as he began to enter her.

Oh, gods.

It felt as if she were being split into two.

He went slowly so as to not hurt her, groaning as her hotness enveloped him in an ardent embrace. “You wanted me like this, little bird.”

She would have responded had she had the capacity to, but just then he began to move, his heat slowly removed from her tight passage before it was being thrust back in. His fingers had done enough work so that she could accommodate his size, but no amount of preparing could have made her ready for the ferocity with which he thrust into her.

When he thrust deep into her, there was a deep pleasure that emanated from deep within her belly. It grew larger and larger, until every time he thrust into her she cried out as pleasure gripped her core. Inah hadn’t known that such a feeling was possible. It was all within her, all along her skin, deep within her bones, as she unwittingly became one with this man that had marked and then claimed her as his.

As she was certain that the pleasure had filled her to the brim until she was sure she would explode, he removed himself from her tight embrace. It was the memory of her pride that kept her from whimpering from need, though she wasn’t sure how successful she was containing her disappointed expression.

If he noticed, he didn’t comment on it.

Instead, Chen guided Inah to rotate in the direction of her injured hand, helping her so the arrow didn’t get caught on the ground. Now, she was lying down on her stomach with her cheek against the ground. Her hair, now mostly dry, was splayed out around her. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled it up, so that her skirts spilled down her back, revealing her lower body in the moonlight. He ran his eyes over the sight in front of him, drinking it in as a famished man might.

He admired her little rosebud, the way that her dark puffy lips poked out from between her thighs, the shapeliness of her legs and her bottom.

For Inah, she didn’t know exactly how much of herself was on display. However, she knew that this was the pose of a whore, and moaned in a mockery of a protest. She was sure to be a spectacle, face in the ground and bottom in the air, with her hands tied to her sides with thick rope.

He didn’t warn her when he pressed back into her, and he also didn’t warn her that it would be so much more intense.

Tears pricked her eyes again as she immediately began crying out, this time loud gasps that betrayed how she was having trouble breathing through the intensity of the sensations gripping her whole body.

He was so much deeper than he was before. This time, every time he plunged into her, it was a feeling somewhere between pleasure and pain as his cock pounded into her.

She was sure she would be happy to exist like this for the rest of the time, being ravished like this even if it were by this man who’d taken her without permission. She panted for air as she was taken like an animal, her hands clenching at air.

Even if she didn’t know it, Chen knew that his prey was close. He moved his hips back and forth as she squirmed about, and the sight of her helplessly speared on his cock, subdued and submissive, nearly made him cum right there. But instead, he reached out and grabbed her wings, one in each hand.

He ran his hands across the surface as he had before, and they fluttered with trembling breaths. Feeling impatient, he drove his fingers into their joints, where she was extra sensitive, and was rewarded by a high whine coming from her.

“No!” She cried out, her exclamation punctuated by each of his thrusts.

Inah came, the waves of pleasure crashing down on her in an extended shameful reminder of the pleasure that was being forced out of her. He gripped her by her flapping wings all the while, still thrusting into her, so that even as her breath caught in her throat and her passage tightened in a relentless rhythm, he was pleasuring himself with her body.

Perhaps it was from the extra stimulating from her still-orgasming pussy, but Zhang Chen claimed his prey as his as he ejaculated into her, his own muscles locking up as he held onto the handlebars of her wings and let out deep groans of pleasure. His orgasm lasted for far longer than he thought it could go, but as his body deposited his seed into her waiting womb, he realized that she was still in the throes of pleasure herself as she thrashed about.

He gently released his grip on her wings, still remaining intimately connected to her. Inah quieted as the last of her orgasm left her, but her strength was completely gone. It was Chen catching her tired body and guiding it gently to the ground that kept her from falling over.

He removed himself from her, exiting her with a soft pop. He was still hard, and thought that he could go again, but then he noticed her face.

Her eyes were closed and her expression was slack, her innocent face still heartbreakingly beautiful. Her wings, too, were still for the first time since Chen had shot her. After all of the adrenaline and the physical stress she’d undergone, she had fallen asleep immediately.

He snapped off the arrowhead, slid the arrow out from her hand, and tossed the pieces into the pond. Exhausted as she was, Inah barely moved in her sleep despite there now being a vacant hole in her hand. Chen was halfway tempted to thrust into her once again, but he himself was tired from barely sleeping over the past few days, and he knew that he had more than enough time left to enjoy the rest of immortality with his captured prey.

His cock softening in response to his own exhaustion overtaking him, Chen lay down next to Inah and rolled her into his arms. She was soft and light and warm against his chest, and he buried his nose into her neck, relishing the residue of arousal thick on her skin.

He knew that come morning, both the Celestial King and Inah’s husband would be sending spirits and demons after him. But, today was Spirits’ Day, and by the morrow their power would be weak as they tried their best to chase him. By that time, he would be off, on the run with his captured bird. Besides, he was the dead hunter. What could the Kings of Death do to him?

Chen was not scared of any of them. He pulled Inah close once again, glad for the few hours of sleep he would get before he figured the rest out tomorrow.

He wasn’t going to let her go. His prey.

It had been a good hunt.

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